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Have to ask just one thing- no bashing of other brands.


So, whenever I see another hybrid now, especially the one starting with a P, or God forbid, the one starting with an H, I am so in love with the style of the Fusion. Never mind the tech, the quiet, sure ride, the comfort, and the handling. Wait, don't forget the amazing seats. OK, the trunk is smaller than I am used to, and there is no spare, but I am going to remedy that (thanks to this forum).

Then, I see one of those 'tiny' cars, especially the one made by Mercedes..., and again, I have to ask, why? Is the mileage even impressive for such little vehicles? And then, where the heck do you put anything more than 2 grocery bags? And the pushed in look, like a pug dog.


I know, there is no such thing as a perfect car, but for a hybrid, isn't the Fusion a nice car? It's so attractive, that even the Korean cars suffer by comparison on just a looks basis. Only exception is maybe the one made by Kia. The Optima is very nice looking. But, the hybrids from Korea aren't really measuring up yet. I did test them, but found them lacking. last, the big hybrid sedan from T. It's nice, but style-wise? and smoothness? Not a winner in comparison in some ways.

I honestly think Ford has hit a home run, and others will work to catch up. Bet the Koreans catch up first. They are moving ahead so quickly.


I believe notice has been given, and the standard has been passed to Ford for now. With just 4% of new car sales being hybrids, maybe there won't be really fast gains, but I think most people believe gasoline is not going to go down in price, so who knows.


I did have a scare yesterday- a rattle somewhere in the cabin. Turns out it was sunglasses in the overhead holder, that had been pushed actually inside the area, and not sitting where they belonged in the little padded tray. Other than that, so far, this car is perfect. I have no regrets, no disappointments, and not worries. I actually really look forward to driving it.


Anyhoo, just some random thoughts on why I am so satisfied with my new FFH.

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I am extremely happy with the Fusion to date. There is so much to like. I'm not a fan of bashing other brands.

Toyota deserves a lot of credit for investing so much in the hybrid technology, and I must say, I was equally excited

about the first Camry Hybrid seven years ago, as I am today about the Fusion Hybrid.


The reasons may be different. Back then, hybrids were a novelty, and my Camry was state of the art.


Today, hybrids are no longer a novelty, but my Fusion is state of the art in so many different categories.

So yes, count me as a very happy and proud Fusion owner.


Of course, that doesn't mean I will be a blind cheerleader. That's just not who I am. I try to be as objective as I can be, and if/when there are things to criticize, I would hope I could do so objectively. I try not to let the fact that I invested in the Fusion Hybrid cloud my judgement, but I must say to date, I am extremely happy with my purchase. For the money, I don't think there is a better car out there.

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Very nice love letters for your Fusion guys;


fusionTX your comments looks like a carbon copy of what mine would like; I think a feel the same way so I can save the time to write my love letter.

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I agree with all 3 of you. There are things I don't like about the design of the Fusion, as there would be with any car, but overall I am very happy.


What absolutely baffles me is the fact that more ppl don't buy hybrids. I was listening to a co-worker talk yesterday about how her daughter just graduated college and bought a brand new Toyota Camry 4 cylinder. And how she's so happy to get 25-30 MPG in her Camry. And I'm thinking to myself "Wow! That's terrible gas mileage!!!" When the price premium of a hybrid pays for itself in a few years just in the gas savings alone (and even faster when you could the maintenance savings on less frequent oil changes, etc). Not to mention the fact that hybrids pollute much less than their ICE counterparts...I just don't understand why more ppl don't buy hybrids.


And that's why I want to do everything I can to promote the FFH, and hybrids in general, so that they'll reach their tipping point and really take off

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I know that I stated I didn't want to bash any other cars or manufacturers, but the trouble with writing late at night is that it can be hard to stay focused. I hope I didn't offend anyone, and I really liked what you wrote Fusion TX. If I had looked over my post I would have put some things better.

That being said, the main reason I bought a hybrid, never mind the brand, was to save gas, for myself, and the planet. I know one person may seem insignificant, but each of us is making a difference, even if the main reason we drive a hybrid is to benefit our own pocket books. Regardless of which one we drive. I also am seeing some reaction by friends to my mileage, especially given the overall quality and design of the car.

Have a good Thursday everyone.

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I know that I stated I didn't want to bash any other cars or manufacturers, but the trouble with writing late at night is that it can be hard to stay focused. I hope I didn't offend anyone, and I really liked what you wrote Fusion TX. If I had looked over my post I would have put some things better.

That being said, the main reason I bought a hybrid, never mind the brand, was to save gas, for myself, and the planet. I know one person may seem insignificant, but each of us is making a difference, even if the main reason we drive a hybrid is to benefit our own pocket books. Regardless of which one we drive. I also am seeing some reaction by friends to my mileage, especially given the overall quality and design of the car.

Have a good Thursday everyone.

We find the same thing when ppl ride with us. They're impressed by the quietness of the car and then when I tell them that my last tank was 55 MPG and the one before it got 50 MPG they're very impressed

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I know that I stated I didn't want to bash any other cars or manufacturers, but the trouble with writing late at night is that it can be hard to stay focused. I hope I didn't offend anyone, and I really liked what you wrote Fusion TX. If I had looked over my post I would have put some things better.

That being said, the main reason I bought a hybrid, never mind the brand, was to save gas, for myself, and the planet. I know one person may seem insignificant, but each of us is making a difference, even if the main reason we drive a hybrid is to benefit our own pocket books. Regardless of which one we drive. I also am seeing some reaction by friends to my mileage, especially given the overall quality and design of the car.

Have a good Thursday everyone.

I found nothing offensive in what you wrote. Continue saving the planet :)

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So far I have had a P(shiver), a TCH, currently a 10 FFH, had a 13 FFH, getting another one.


Each one was an improvement over the other. The P was like a space age toy, the one thing I didnt really like about it was it did not feel safe, crosswinds made it move about. The OEM tires had horrible traction. However, 65 MPG on the Interstate was great, it was what it was, and was the only car I made money on. The TCH was OK, but it was a disappointment, I expected better quality. Then I got the 10 Fusion, and it was a much better car than either of the first two, It gets better MPG than the TCH, not as good as the P, but it has higher quality in it that I had expected from the TCH. So far after nearly 2 years and 44K miles it has been trouble free.


Then came the 13 redesign, and Holy Cow a Home Run by Ford. Aside from the issues I had with mine, the car was great, handled better than any other hybrid, was quieter, more comfortable, and with features never imagined in a car of this class that didn't start with an L or an I or B or M. With a few improvements, which it appears Ford has addressed in the 2014 model, it will be a very hard to beat contender.


There are those who would never buy a Ford, and I know of one at work who recently bought a used BMW. I parked next to it in the 13 one day, and my car looked better than hers, and has more features, but hers is a BMW! (snooty smiley) Too bad for her though, I will take a Fusion over hers any day.

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So far I have had a P(shiver), a TCH, currently a 10 FFH, had a 13 FFH, getting another one.


Each one was an improvement over the other. The P was like a space age toy, the one thing I didnt really like about it was it did not feel safe, crosswinds made it move about. The OEM tires had horrible traction. However, 65 MPG on the Interstate was great, it was what it was, and was the only car I made money on. The TCH was OK, but it was a disappointment, I expected better quality. Then I got the 10 Fusion, and it was a much better car than either of the first two, It gets better MPG than the TCH, not as good as the P, but it has higher quality in it that I had expected from the TCH. So far after nearly 2 years and 44K miles it has been trouble free.


Then came the 13 redesign, and Holy Cow a Home Run by Ford. Aside from the issues I had with mine, the car was great, handled better than any other hybrid, was quieter, more comfortable, and with features never imagined in a car of this class that didn't start with an L or an I or B or M. With a few improvements, which it appears Ford has addressed in the 2014 model, it will be a very hard to beat contender.


There are those who would never buy a Ford, and I know of one at work who recently bought a used BMW. I parked next to it in the 13 one day, and my car looked better than hers, and has more features, but hers is a BMW! (snooty smiley) Too bad for her though, I will take a Fusion over hers any day.

I wanted a convertable when I moved to SC, on the coast. I wanted something used. At the time there was a great 4th generation family run used car dealer, who only dealt with cream puff cars. And, they would find a car for you. I asked for a year old Mustang GT convert, in one of two colors, and they found one. It was my first Ford since my first car, which was a Fairlane fastback coupe, about a '69.


The Mustang has been great, and Ford is building great cars again. They are world leaders in sales, are making lots of money, did not need a bailout, etc. All the reviewers liked the Fusion Hybrid. The Ford Mondeo (European version of current Fusion) is a big seller, and now Ford is smart enough to go with global platforms. I think they are back big time, and their cars are excellent. Sure, they have not been historically as 'perfect' as the Toyota,Lexus, etc., but their warranty is good, and I think their engineering is top notch. What's not to like?

Edited by dalesky

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Love my FFH. Very satisfied with my decision to buy this car. Great ride, love the technology and safety features and my gas mileage exceeds my expectations.

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I have never been more proud of anything else that I have purchased in my entire life. Ford has made me feel better about our country and what it can do. I agree 100% with what you said, Dalesky. I think we all really look forward to driving our FFHs. It has even made me a better husband. My wife and I have not had one serious disagreement since I purchased mine last November. The effect the FFH has was shown last weekend. Friday night we purchased 18 eggs with our groceries. We already had six and Saturday she was getting everything together for a Sunday brunch, for four people. She called me in from working outside and said "I need one more egg". Last year that would probably have resulted in a heated discussion about the alternatives she had. But since I have the FFH, I bit my lip and said "sure" and drove to the store. I not only enjoy driving my Fusion, I enjoy showing it off.

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I have never been more proud of anything else that I have purchased in my entire life. Ford has made me feel better about our country and what it can do. I agree 100% with what you said, Dalesky. I think we all really look forward to driving our FFHs. It has even made me a better husband. My wife and I have not had one serious disagreement since I purchased mine last November. The effect the FFH has was shown last weekend. Friday night we purchased 18 eggs with our groceries. We already had six and Saturday she was getting everything together for a Sunday brunch, for four people. She called me in from working outside and said "I need one more egg". Last year that would probably have resulted in a heated discussion about the alternatives she had. But since I have the FFH, I bit my lip and said "sure" and drove to the store. I not only enjoy driving my Fusion, I enjoy showing it off.

For some odd reason, I heard a whip crack when I read that! :)




I feel the same way with the Flex, and want to go every where in it, only thing holding me back is filling the tank. Few more days and I should be back in a 13 again and back to enjoying driving a car. I also wont really G-A-S about gas mileage, it will get what it gets!

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I have never been more proud of anything else that I have purchased in my entire life. Ford has made me feel better about our country and what it can do. I agree 100% with what you said, Dalesky. I think we all really look forward to driving our FFHs. It has even made me a better husband. My wife and I have not had one serious disagreement since I purchased mine last November. The effect the FFH has was shown last weekend. Friday night we purchased 18 eggs with our groceries. We already had six and Saturday she was getting everything together for a Sunday brunch, for four people. She called me in from working outside and said "I need one more egg". Last year that would probably have resulted in a heated discussion about the alternatives she had. But since I have the FFH, I bit my lip and said "sure" and drove to the store. I not only enjoy driving my Fusion, I enjoy showing it off.

I know what you mean about looking for reasons to drive it. That may wear off, but I have never had a car that satisfied so many of the things I enjoy about driving. I also am driving very sanely, all the time in the FFH so that's not bad either!

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Cool post! While I can't really lay claim to saving the planet or anything when my car is a 5.0 V8, I sure am looking forward to my wife's Fusion :-).

Edited by Aquineas

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Gotta have some fun in life too! I like your avatar or whatever we call these little pictures.

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Your comment just gave me an awesome idea it's not the best execution but I only spend 15 min on it.



Edited by corncobs

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Your comment just gave me an awesome idea it's not the best execution but I only spend 15 min on it. MyRing_zpsf97c6206.png

OK, way cool now!

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Your comment just gave me an awesome idea it's not the best execution but I only spend 15 min on it.



ROFLMAO I love it!


My Precious!

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What absolutely baffles me is the fact that more ppl don't buy hybrids. I was listening to a co-worker talk yesterday about how her daughter just graduated college and bought a brand new Toyota Camry 4 cylinder. And how she's so happy to get 25-30 MPG in her Camry. And I'm thinking to myself "Wow! That's terrible gas mileage!!!" When the price premium of a hybrid pays for itself in a few years just in the gas savings alone (and even faster when you could the maintenance savings on less frequent oil changes, etc). Not to mention the fact that hybrids pollute much less than their ICE counterparts...I just don't understand why more ppl don't buy hybrids.



I couldn't agree more! In the 4 months that I have had my car, I have only seen THREE other Hybrids on the road. WHAT??? How could so few people recognize the quality and benefit of the FFH? I have had so many people stop me and ask me how I like it and how the fuel economy is. Yet they're not buying - I don't know why.

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Scared off by all the false talk about the cost of replacing batteries. Also when you say Hybrid, they think Prius, and a vast majority of people would not be caught dead in a Prius. Their loss!

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There are those who would never buy a Ford, and I know of one at work who recently bought a used BMW. I parked next to it in the 13 one day, and my car looked better than hers, and has more features, but hers is a BMW! (snooty smiley) Too bad for her though, I will take a Fusion over hers any day.


Funny you should say this about a BMW. My wife replaced her car recently and got a great deal on a BMW 3 series, now considering prior to owning my FFH I had a VW GTi, (quick, firm ride etc,) I would have expected to enjoy the Bimmer but no, my FFH is hands down more comfortable, better looking and nicer to drive. The 3 series is a nice car, but the dashboard ergonomics are dreadful, the ride is so hard and it feels like it weighs north of 2 Tons (actually it probably does!). The only saving grace is that it is pretty darned quick. So I drive her car when I have a need for speed.

Edited by storksb

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Funny you should say this about a BMW. My wife replaced her car recently and got a great deal on a BMW 3 series, now considering prior to owning my FFH I had a VW GTi, (quick, firm ride etc,) I would have expected to enjoy the Bimmer but no, my FFH is hands down more comfortable, better looking and nicer to drive. The 3 series is a nice car, but the dashboard ergonomics are dreadful, the ride is so hard and it feels like it weighs north of 2 Tons (actually it probably does!). The only saving grace is that it is pretty darned quick. So I drive her car when I have a need for speed.

If you have a need for speed and like to drive, have u thought about a 5.0 Mustang.

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Funny you should say this about a BMW. My wife replaced her car recently and got a great deal on a BMW 3 series, now considering prior to owning my FFH I had a VW GTi, (quick, firm ride etc,) I would have expected to enjoy the Bimmer but no, my FFH is hands down more comfortable, better looking and nicer to drive. The 3 series is a nice car, but the dashboard ergonomics are dreadful, the ride is so hard and it feels like it weighs north of 2 Tons (actually it probably does!). The only saving grace is that it is pretty darned quick. So I drive her car when I have a need for speed.

My dad's latest toy is a BMW 328i coupe. I love that car. I think it rides pretty smoothly myself. The console and dash are not as intuitive as I'd like, you're right. But that car drives like a dream.

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