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Changing the tail lights on my SE Hybrid

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Does anyone know how I would go about changing the tail lights on my SE? The tail lights on the Titanium are so much better looking than what comes on the SE model. My concerns are

  • how much it will cost
  • do I have to do it at the Ford dealer, or can a regular mechanics garage take care of it?
  • will having this done void the warrantee?

I know a lot of you on this forum have made modifications on your vehicles; any input from any of you is appreciated!




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I'm not sure which one is the Titanium tail light, I'd assume it would be the more expensive one at $423.87. So multiply that by 2 and there you have it, unless you aren't doing it yourself, then include whatever the labor cost would be. Someone else would probably know better than me if that is the right part though. Why not call up your local dealer parts department and ask for the pricing and warranty info.


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I am trying to post a picture of the Titanium lights, but for some reason, I keep getting a response that the file is too big ?????

Edited by djminfll

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Riggo, the pic you posted is exactly what I am referring to, thanks for posting it! Toz, I have no idea if the wiring harness is the same. I guess that is the reason I posted my question here - I'm sure someone here will know.

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i went thru fordparts.com i dont remember if the plug in also has the titanium tails but after looking thru that catalog your looking at almost 1400$


its part number 13404A, 13404B

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I got these excellent instructions from JScullin on the BOF.
It's a real easy plug and play swap, it'll take approximately one hour depending on your expertise.
Boot lid:
  • Pop off all trim fasteners on boot carpeting They come out easy w/a little force when you start at the corner. You can let it hang free.
  • At this stage you will have access to replace your reverse LED's.
  • Unclip the grey power lead to the tail light.
  • Use an 11mm socket to remove the 3 nuts holding in the lens assembly.
  • Plug lens back into power lead and hit your unlock key to test they work.
  • Finish torquing nuts into place and reseat your carpeting with the fasteners.
Quarter panel:
  • Remove boot floor cover.
  • Pop out 2 fasteners holding in the scuff guard on the lower boot lip (you don't need to remove the whole piece). (I found that it's easier if you pull up on the scuff guard it comes right out and reinstalls easily).
  • Unscrew the 4 black boot liner fasteners.
  • Use masking tape to protect paint under each lens.
  • Pull carpeting back (it wraps around the boot lid truss) so you have room to access the light.
  • Use a 10mm socket or ratcheting spanner to unscrew the 2 nut/washers.
  • The other end of the lens is held in with a locking rubber clip. I used a small hammer to lightly tap it until it popped out. One came out w/the rubber clip attached, the other didn't. But make sure you pop it off the SE lens and reinsert it into the car before fitting the new lens.
  • With the lens removed unplug the power lead and swap out. Testing first before buttoning everything up. Make sure liner is properly tucked in behind the rubber seal.
  • Use fishing line or dental floss and a hair dryer to remove the SE badge. But we'll know what you did. We'll know.
Now enjoy one of the nicer party pieces of the car whenever you unlock your car or have your lights on."
The inside backup lights are easy, instructions in your owners manual.
Protect the paint, the lens assy. can get away from you.





Pop off the grommet. And re-use it.






Completed assembly. It really looks good at night, I didn't get a chance to take a night time photo.






I also rebadged with chrome on black gels. Hood, trunk, steering wheel and four wheels. Subtle change but effective.
















Edited by gkinla

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What I'd be interested in is the Mondeo light assembly for the hybrid so that you can also have amber turn signals.

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Be careful here. If you are changing out the lights so that you can duplicate the how the lights work on a Titanium, ie the outer ring also on when the lights or on and the center light is used as the brake light, that is not possible. It would take a computer change to get that functionality. The picture posted above is what you will experience and that is not how the Titanium functions.



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I was not after making my cars look like the Titanium. It is wishful thinking and not cost effective or worth jeopardizing the electrical warranty. I've always thought that amber turn signals were safer than red because of the contrast. But even now, manufacturers like Mercedes and Volvo are going in favor of red for the US market. The new XC90 is a prime example.

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:thumbsup: I replaced both of my tail lights to the Titanium ones and I like them way better. I had the dealer do it for me however.

The only difference when you install Titanimum lights on the SE is the center red on the outside lights remain on continuously, much like the SE lights. When you appply the brakes the center light becomes brighter. I now have a 2016 Energi Titanimun and the the only light that is on continuously is the ring, with the center light illluminating only when the brake is applied. With my 2013, I liked the additional light to the rear, using the Titanimun lights on the SE.

Edited by gkinla

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There are 2 taillight setups - Level 1 and Level 3. Level 1 is where the inner red area is tail and brake light. Level 3 is what y'all are calling the Titanium setup. It was remarked that to get proper operation there would need to be some programming - that was correct.


Level 3 taillights are programmed in because a specific option group for the model year was ordered/on the car. For MY 15 and 17, Titanium trim has it standard. SE trims have them if the Driver Assist option package is on the car. I had a '15 Titanium and currently have a '17 SE with Driver Assist.


I have talked with a couple Fusion owners in my area who have '17 models but Level 1 lighting. They did NOT have Driver Assist options thus no Level 3 (Titanium) lighting.


Soooo, if you do mount Level 3 units in your car, be careful ... dealers may not want to undo anything if it goes wrong.

Edited by Cobra348

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my friend has a ford fusion 2015 hibred. she broke the left outter tail light, and ordered a pair from Amazon. I swapped them out, but they had no turn dindicators in the new ones. I had her return them as i thought they were faulty. the second set was the same no turn signals. any ideas?


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