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Gotta follow the rules

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Big oops yesterday! Broke 2 rules(9&16)of Cyberdman. Have to pay attention better. It was too late Pers69, Not enough posts to pm you. But thanks anyway.

Edited by camelot

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I messed up to with him at first.. even after I read all the rules *sigh*.. but I corrected them...

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I think it was a waste of time to send him a picture though.

No reply to mine or Jeffs.

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I've been home with the flu this week and forgot what day it was. But the vin was a no-no for sure. I just hope I can post a pic. Not too good with that stuff. Gotta admit some pics on here are pretty good. Definitely brochure material.

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I think it was a waste of time to send him a picture though.

No reply to mine or Jeffs.


That's OK... if you look at the time differences on his replies, appears to me that he runs through the requests as quickly as he can and posts status for each, so if he ran across a post and saw that a pic is all it was, then he probably just moved on to provide status to others.

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I noticed that also. He is fast at the updates. Sometimes 2 a minute! He's good at it for sure. And keeps us happy.

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So the rule about 10 posts before making an inquiry, do my posts here count?

I don't see much to post about over there.

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Sorry, ya gotta do what ya gotta do. Find some threads you can contribute to in the fusion/MKZ forum and get comfortable. You got some time before work will proceed o get used to the weekly updates. Can't rush.

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Most of us are overthere anyway. So its like the conversations just move to the other end of the bar so to speak. Alot similarity between the websites. Wonder if its the same admin.

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I got busted for an unpublished rule, Camelot. His rules, I'm sure, help him help us with a minimum of frustration on his part.


The cool thing is he doesn't hold petty grudges ... once one corrects their error it is back to business as usual.

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It doesn'taffectyouguysthathaveyourcarsalready! (jees! haven't seen any word that long since the mary poppins song) I know I'm old!

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