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Whooo Hoo!!! I received a VIN. ;)

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After 4 weeks, I received a VIN! Now what do I do with my new 3-4 week wait?


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After 4 weeks, I received a VIN! Now what do I do with my new 3-4 week wait?


This gets me excited....I should be getting my VIN soon, hopefully. I placed my order on 4/22...so maybe 2-3 weeks before I have my VIN!

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I'm on page 98 of the manual... but, I know I'll have to read it again when the car gets here. :hysterical:


Still no window sticker, but, the build date is the 10th, so, I still have a bit of time before I see it.


:happy feet:

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out of curiosity, why order one and wait, versus finding a dealer with the trim you like and getting instant gratification? Just wondering what I'm missing, lolshorts.

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out of curiosity, why order one and wait, versus finding a dealer with the trim you like and getting instant gratification? Just wondering what I'm missing, lolshorts.



Nothing. If a dealer has one in stock what you want and you can come to an agreeable price, go for it.



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out of curiosity, why order one and wait, versus finding a dealer with the trim you like and getting instant gratification? Just wondering what I'm missing, lolshorts.

Not missing anything. It was impossible for me to find the trim that I wanted...and I'm very picky when it comes to spending $30K...

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Yup, if the dealer had one that I wanted in stock, that I could have for a good price, I would have purchased it right then and there. :shift:


*update* I have the window sticker now, and it should start assembly Monday! :happy feet:

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Build schedules use the Monday of the build week - even if it does not start down the line until Friday.


Once it is produced, you can determine the exact date it rolled off the line. The vin number is not in build sequence - if you want to know that, you need to find the sequence number on a build sheet. They are often found behind panels, under or behind seats, in the trunk, etc. The build sheets tell the assemblers what parts to pull to complete their portion of the vehicle.


To me, the more I know, the better the experience.

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Build schedules use the Monday of the build week - even if it does not start down the line until Friday.



Ahhh, I see. Thank you, I did not know that.

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Ahhh, I see. Thank you, I did not know that.

GOT MY VIN AS WELL!!! Dealer just e-mailed me this morning...got it last Thursday night while the scheduling happened.

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:waiting: It amazes me how exited I am. Hopefully, it will be here around the 25th for me. Have you had a estimated time of delivery?

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:waiting: It amazes me how exited I am. Hopefully, it will be here around the 25th for me. Have you had a estimated time of delivery?

No ETA as of yet. Order manager at the dealership is guessing mid-June...but he doesn't know any better than anyone else, judging by his level of expertise thus far...

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I was going to start a new topic about VIN#'s but figured I'd just tag on my comments and questions here. Don't want to appear to be stealing any of your thunder about the new car but....what I have to say is along topic lines.




I went to see the Dealership today to check on status after they didn't reply to my email. I have only inquired 3 times since March 29th and the first 2 times....one was for service and the other was about the VIN. I guess what set me off on all this was how I was treated. First words out of the sales managers mouth were......"I thought I told you I would call you when the car was in!" After the next ten minute exchange and double talk from the sales manager I just walked away. This has led me to this post. I've been stewing about it all afternoon and finally got calmed down enough to decide to post something.


So.......My first question would be......after the car has been manufactured and is in transit........is there any way for the Dealership to track where it is in transit?


Second....... Why would the dealership sales manager tell me he was never to have given me my VIN# and by doing so.......acted like he did me a favor and I should be kissing his feet? He further explained that they never provide a VIN number to any of their customers after that customer orders a new vehicle.


Why does it appear that the Dealership....well....lets say that right now I believe they could muck up a one car funeral procession.


Honesty and candor. That's all I ask for but I guess that is asking a whole lot of many on the the Sales side of the Auto industry,


For the record........Told delivery in 4-5 weeks by General Manager of Dealership. Now in week 7 and not expecting car for another week or so. Sales person said that was 4-5 weeks production and didn't include transit time. Why couldn't they just say 7-8 weeks in the first place. We based our whole decision to accept a Retail order as a replacement vehicle based on that 4-5 weeks. There were 20+ vehicles that we could have chosen from in the area that met our criteria for a replacement. Then the Sales person has the audacity to say that's what we get for going with a retail order instead of a DX after he and the Dealership gave us the run around and then refused to DX a vehicle for us. All the while I am left with using the POS FFH I have. All I can say is if this thing acts up one more time I'm dropping it at their door step. Just gotta make it one more week. I hope!


For the record this guy is talking out of every hole he's got. Maybe I should have posted this in the "Is the dealership lying" topic.


I dunno.



I guess what is really the primer for all this is when you here things like....." We (the Dealership) are not to do any work on the car.....Fix anything, replace anything, any work what-so-ever. Yet Ithe same person that said this told me to do the Sceduled maintenance at the dealership. By the way..... I did the the maintenance with the assistance of the Service Manager whom is the only person throughout this whole processl that has been upfront , honest, candid and acted with integrity. Forgot to mention the Ford Zone manager as well. Heis the only other person to act as like the Service Manager.

Edited by oldschool1962

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Well, I hope you get your car soon, and end your ordeal. AND, I hope it works this time. :)



You reordered yours somewhere at the beginning on May?

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Well, I hope you get your car soon, and end your ordeal. AND, I hope it works this time. smile.gif



You reordered yours somewhere at the beginning on May?


Reorder was placed March 29th at 1:15pm

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It's a race!!!! Mine was ordered first week in April. :poke:

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It's a race!!!! Mine was ordered first week in April. poke.gif

You're on! But you'll probably win given the Dealership we have. doh.gif

I've seen some real questionable things in my time but what is happening here beats all. waiting.gif


As I said we've had our VIN# for a couple weeks now.....even though we're not entitled to it per our dealership........Found our Window sticker out there too. Did a VIN search on Google last Friday and found our car listed for sale by the dealership in their on-line inventory.


We were initially giving them the benefit of doubt regarding this thinking that it was just something the computer did but after the crappy discussion and not getting anything close to a straight answer from the Sales Manager why it was listed..........He just kept throwing things I've previously mentioned and more back in my face.............I think they will try and sell it as soon as it arrives. Why not! The same sales Manager initially said they weren't going to order the car until Ford released reimbursement funds to the Dealership and since it is ordered....I hope and that he didn't just pull a frickin VIN outta his..............they got their money so as far as they seem to be concerned why not keep stringing us along.


Ya know......If the Sales Staff at Haley Ford in Chester Virginia were capable of giving straight forward and honest answer as well as accurate info and no double talk out of every orifice in the human body about what is actually going on and when this will definitely end.........we wouldn't be speculating any of this. But I'm sure our sales manager has had quite the discussion today about how impatient and unreasonable I am being when I should be so grateful and bow to their supremeness for being the greatest dealership in the world for allowing us to complete the transaction through them. Just the arrogance portrayed by the sales side since the throughout things sets me off. I am constantly being told how much work they have to do to complete this transaction and how much of an inconvenience this is for them.....the work that is. Sheesh!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by oldschool1962

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As I said we've had our VIN# for a couple weeks now.....even though we're not entitled to it per our dealership........Found our Window sticker out there too. Did a VIN search on Google last Friday and found our car listed for sale by the dealership in their on-line inventory.

If you've got the dealer code and order number from the DORA, you can call Ford's customer service number listed at ford.com and get info on the vehicle tracking...including a VIN number. I had to do this for a bit while my dealership was sucking at keeping me updated. They had no problem helping me out after I explianed that my dealer had been worthless thus far. Unfortunately, the dealerships are privately owned, so Ford can't do a whole lot to control how the business is run...

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Sullied, thanks for the info. I'll do that. At first and probably for the longest time I kinda felt empathy for the Dealerships with some of the things they get put through with the Name Plate but after this I'd have to say that many of them...... they have gotten exactly what they deserved out of the deal.

Edited by oldschool1962

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Sullied, thanks for the info. I'll do that. At first and probably for the longest time I kinda felt empathy for the Dealerships with some of the things they get put through with the Name Plate but after this I'd have to say that many of them...... they have gotten exactly what they deserved out of the deal.

I'm not sure what you mean... I think any dealership should be proud to sell Ford vehicles. Ford is on top of the world right now with the largest market share in the US and a better lineup of vehicles overall than any other automaker. I feel bad for the Saturn dealers on the other hand... I think GM made a terrible decision to get rid of that brand...it was actually different from the rest of their vehicles.

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Second....... Why would the dealership sales manager tell me he was never to have given me my VIN# and by doing so.......acted like he did me a favor and I should be kissing his feet? He further explained that they never provide a VIN number to any of their customers after that customer orders a new vehicle.


Seems like many of us who factory ordered got similar flavors of treatment, not all, but many. Myself included.


Somebody care to venture a guess why the dealerships want to keep you from information once you order?

Is it an Information = Control thing? Are they afraid you'll disappear if you find out it really does

take 8+ weeks to get a car? I rarely see where the dealership says, I just don't know yet, they go out of their

way to keep you from knowing anything, including knowing that they don't know anything....


Is this all in the Ford saleperson's handbook or something?


That was my experience more or less.


While waiting for my VIN, I ask one salesperson if he could check the computer for me and he blew a cork!

He said yelling... "I don't have anything to do with the computer system, I don't know about it and I don't touch it..."

He was pissed that I even ask him. He buzzed off in a huff. Very weird I thought.


I finally got my VIN by going in at 6 weeks, asking for the sale manager and standing over his shoulder while I

prodded him to look up my order. Bingo! Out popped VIN and delivery date!

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