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Snapshot of reported order-to-delivery history

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I spent a little while today running through the forum posts and putting together a spreadsheet with the FFH/MMH order and delivery data reported so far; I'll upload the full spreadsheet later, but for now, here is a summary of the most relevant columns.


This is intended to be an update to the "Magic VIN" topic data that has been (and continues to be) so useful as several of us wait for vehicle delivery:

Owner           Vehicle Location        Order   ETA/Delivery    Weeks

WPWoodJr        FFH                     31-Mar  8-Jun           9.9
rlawson4        FFH                     9-Apr   10-Jun          8.9
The Chad        FFH     Tiffin, OH      5-May   6-Aug           13.3
jeff_h          FFH                     22-May  1-Jul           5.7
vschmidt        MMH     Dayton, OH      23-May  14-Sep          16.3
wwoody723       MMH                     28-May          
DodgerFan       FFH     NC              30-May  31-Jul          8.9
sonex293        FFH                     1-Jun   28-Jul          8.1
wstcoaster07    FFH     Kingsville, TX  10-Jun          
smr2112         FFH     Philadelphia,PA 17-Jun  12-Aug          8.0
pacsai          FFH                     20-Jun  18-Aug          8.4
rfruth          FFH     Houston, TX     29-Jun  31-Aug          9.0
skluck          FFH                     29-Jun  17-Aug          7.0
clem151         FFH                     29-Jun          
abrendel        FFH                     10-Jul  10-Jul          0.0
vankman         FFH                     29-Jul  16-Sep          7.0
mizzouPT2009    FFH                     3-Aug           
Milan_OH        MMH     Beavercreek, OH 17-Aug  17-Aug          0.0


In a few cases, I've made estimates where folks have merely said "mid-month," etc. 0.0 weeks means the car was bought from stock.


In some cases, the ETA is still future; those are obviously anticipated and subject to change.


(Note: I'm "winning" at this point, with an ETA of nearly 17 weeks from order to delivery; wohoo!)


Hope the history helps those who are still waiting or planning to order.

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I spent a little while today running through the forum posts and putting together a spreadsheet with the FFH/MMH order and delivery data reported so far; I'll upload the full spreadsheet later, but for now, here is a summary of the most relevant columns.


This is intended to be an update to the "Magic VIN" topic data that has been (and continues to be) so useful as several of us wait for vehicle delivery:

Owner           Vehicle Location        Order   ETA/Delivery    Weeks

WPWoodJr        FFH                     31-Mar  8-Jun           9.9
rlawson4        FFH                     9-Apr   10-Jun          8.9
The Chad        FFH     Tiffin, OH      5-May   6-Aug           13.3
jeff_h          FFH                     22-May  1-Jul           5.7
vschmidt        MMH     Dayton, OH      23-May  14-Sep          16.3
wwoody723       MMH                     28-May          
DodgerFan       FFH     NC              30-May  31-Jul          8.9
sonex293        FFH                     1-Jun   28-Jul          8.1
wstcoaster07    FFH     Kingsville, TX  10-Jun          
smr2112         FFH     Philadelphia,PA 17-Jun  12-Aug          8.0
pacsai          FFH                     20-Jun  18-Aug          8.4
rfruth          FFH     Houston, TX     29-Jun  31-Aug          9.0
skluck          FFH                     29-Jun  17-Aug          7.0
clem151         FFH                     29-Jun          
abrendel        FFH                     10-Jul  10-Jul          0.0
vankman         FFH                     29-Jul  16-Sep          7.0
mizzouPT2009    FFH                     3-Aug           
Milan_OH        MMH     Beavercreek, OH 17-Aug  17-Aug          0.0


In a few cases, I've made estimates where folks have merely said "mid-month," etc. 0.0 weeks means the car was bought from stock.


In some cases, the ETA is still future; those are obviously anticipated and subject to change.


(Note: I'm "winning" at this point, with an ETA of nearly 17 weeks from order to delivery; wohoo!)


Hope the history helps those who are still waiting or planning to order.


wwoody723, MMH ordered 28-May told build date of 6-July, 23-July, 24-August. Have VIN but no window sticker shows on Ford website to date. Dealer does not give updates to us because we want to hold them to the date they give. Dealer didn’t want to do C4C but then called last week wanting to do C4C so car is now paid for and they have our trade-in. Our first car payment is due 28-August and first insurance payment due 15-September. Dealer would not give salvage value and made us sign a disclaimer requiring us to pay $4,500 if they don't get fed payment. Dealer told us if we didn’t sign disclaimer then no MMH for us. Still no delivery date. Letter written to Ford but we don't expect a response. Closest alternative Mercury dealer is 70 miles. We have lost all interest but we know that if we don’t carry through with the purchase they will sell for sticker price plus and make more profit selling the car to someone else. We don’t want to give the satisfaction. We loved the way the MMH drove and looked but …. Mom told me not to use those words.

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wwoody723, MMH ordered 28-May told build date of 6-July, 23-July, 24-August. Have VIN but no window sticker shows on Ford website to date. Dealer does not give updates to us because we want to hold them to the date they give. Dealer didn’t want to do C4C but then called last week wanting to do C4C so car is now paid for and they have our trade-in. Our first car payment is due 28-August and first insurance payment due 15-September. Dealer would not give salvage value and made us sign a disclaimer requiring us to pay $4,500 if they don't get fed payment. Dealer told us if we didn’t sign disclaimer then no MMH for us. Still no delivery date. Letter written to Ford but we don't expect a response. Closest alternative Mercury dealer is 70 miles. We have lost all interest but we know that if we don’t carry through with the purchase they will sell for sticker price plus and make more profit selling the car to someone else. We don’t want to give the satisfaction. We loved the way the MMH drove and looked but …. Mom told me not to use those words.


That's really sad. So sorry to hear of your grief over this vehicle. I'm sure the vehicle will be outstanding once we both get delivery, but nothing will make up the for bad experience.

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Today was *the* day for me, I've owned V-8s before (GMC truck, Monte Carlo) ((small v8)) and a couple decent sized Kawasaki's, not just small cars with small engines, so have something to go by when I say the FFH is strong and quiet (grin) - I drove my FFH a few miles and returned to the dealership as planned (a test drive of sorts) popped the hood & gave it a quick once over then checked the oil level, the dipstick was hot to the touch (I mean the plastic loop ya use to pull the dipstick out with was *hot* (but ok), used a rag on the other end) ((its a new engine + I didn't baby it on this drive)) (((wanted to see if it pulled okay, posted speed limit 50 MPH & I was doing it)))) + in the 90's so A/C all the way - no sign of overheating but the dipstick was hot, anyone else notice this ?

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It looks like my ETA has been push back yet another week, now the week of 21 September.


Today FCC says delivery is the week of 21 September (their records are current as of 29 Aug), and my vehicle is "in production now." This is the same "status" they have had since 17 Aug. When I asked them about that, they said "that means it is currently being built, and it takes several weeks to build these." (I thanked them for the update, although as Grey has repeatedly pointed out, FCC isn't really equipped to provide much detail in this area, and their interpretation of the results may be suspect.)


Then I called my dealer mid-morning and asked for an update (again, I always speak only with the sales manager), without mentioning I'd just been on the phone with FCC. He says they are on schedule for 14 Sept ETA to Dayton, and that my car is probably built and getting ready for transport. I asked him if he'd use all of his resources to get me a specific "build complete" date, and he said he'd check and call right back. That was 4 hours ago. The day isn't over with, but I don't expect to hear from him at all (the typical result).


In my experience, my dealer has invalid data once again; FCC's information is not as detailed, but is far more credible (unfortunately). He either does not know or does not care, it is the same either way to me.

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It looks like my ETA has been push back yet another week, now the week of 21 September.


I assume you at least have a VIN? Has your sticker shown up online yet?

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It is magic monday for me! My dealer was off work friday and saturday but I went up to talk to him today and I finally have my VIN and a build date of September 14th. :happy feet: They expect to get the car at the dealership approximatly 2 weeks later so that means I should have my car by the end of September or early October (8-9 weeks turnaround depending on when it gets to the dealer). :shift: The dealer said he should get a more specific ETA in the next two weeks. But I am just excited to finally have my VIN. I am in St. Louis, MO by the way if you wanted to add it to the chart

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Are you keeping track of when the order was verified? An order can sit in limbo for months until it is verified. The Ford clock starts then.


Some of the long waits are the result of the dealership not verifying the order (copy of the purchase order and drivers license faxed to Ford) until they realized they forgot to do it.


My buddy tells me to expect 10-12 weeks for delivery now. C4C and the plant being down a week in August backed up the orders a bit. :shift:

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I assume you at least have a VIN? Has your sticker shown up online yet?


Yes, the VIN was assigned 20 July, and my sticker has been online since 14 Aug.


There are non-financial circumstances that keep me involved in this deal now, otherwise I would back out and keep my '99 Grand Am with 160K miles on it until it dies. I'm sure it is good for at least another 50K miles, and by then maybe the auto manufacturers and dealers will have their act together!


Don't misunderstand: I understand the concepts and costs (in time and money) of supply and demand; my frustration is the lack of credible, timely, and accurate data.

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Ordered July 7, 2009, and received on August 26, 2009. 7 weeks, 1 day. Wichita, KS

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Another piece of data for the database. I ordered mine on August 7th, and received confirmation that

it was in the database. Vehicle: FFH. Location: SF Bay Area, CA.

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wwoody723, MMH ordered 28-May told build date of 6-July, 23-July, 24-August. Have VIN but no window sticker shows on Ford website to date. Dealer does not give updates to us because we want to hold them to the date they give. Dealer didn’t want to do C4C but then called last week wanting to do C4C so car is now paid for and they have our trade-in. Our first car payment is due 28-August and first insurance payment due 15-September. Dealer would not give salvage value and made us sign a disclaimer requiring us to pay $4,500 if they don't get fed payment. Dealer told us if we didn’t sign disclaimer then no MMH for us. Still no delivery date. Letter written to Ford but we don't expect a response. Closest alternative Mercury dealer is 70 miles. We have lost all interest but we know that if we don’t carry through with the purchase they will sell for sticker price plus and make more profit selling the car to someone else. We don’t want to give the satisfaction. We loved the way the MMH drove and looked but …. Mom told me not to use those words.


Today our MMH window sticker was posted on the Ford website. The FCC Problem Solving Rep called me today (6:00 ET, one hour past their normal quite time). She was very understanding and informative. More information was give than I am divulging here. I was able to confirm that our May order was not verified by Ford until July. She cannot give me a delivery week at this time but did confirm that the car is in production. She said that she spoke with her contact in production and was able to put a “HOT” delivery notation on the order which is to expedite shipping. She said that she would contact me one week from today with further information. I was impressed with the background research she did prior to contacting me.

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Today our MMH window sticker was posted on the Ford website. The FCC Problem Solving Rep called me today (6:00 ET, one hour past their normal quite time). She was very understanding and informative. More information was give than I am divulging here. I was able to confirm that our May order was not verified by Ford until July. She cannot give me a delivery week at this time but did confirm that the car is in production. She said that she spoke with her contact in production and was able to put a “HOT” delivery notation on the order which is to expedite shipping. She said that she would contact me one week from today with further information. I was impressed with the background research she did prior to contacting me.


Glad to hear you are making progress. I'll be interested in seeing your ETA posted.


I had some special FCC problem solving rep contact me over a month ago, and they couldn't tell me anything except for (and I grossly paraphrase) "sorry about your luck."


We ordered furniture in June from a reputable local company, and they told us it would be delivered by 1 Aug, then by 15 Aug, and today they said it is backordered until early October. Either it is a conspiracy or we're jinxed! Tomorrow McDonald's will tell me my lunch is on backorder as well!

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I ordered my MMH from a dealer in Roseville, CA on July 11th and still have not received a VIN or ETA and the dealer seemed to think it might not arrive before Sept. 30 when the tax credit is cut in half again. I was originally given an estimate of 6-8 weeks when I placed the order. Several people have mentioned contacting Ford. Is there a number that I can call to check on my order since the dealer doesn't seem to want to give me any info?


I'm eligible for the X Plan, but none of the dealers are willing to honor it for a FFH or MMH in stock otherwise I'd go elsewhere. But if the problem is with the factory, I'd just be back at the end of the line for an order or end up paying MSRP. I've even considered going out of No. Cal., but the traveling time and expense would negate any savings.


At least the delays let me keep my '95 Mustang GT a bit longer.

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Is there a number that I can call to check on my order since the dealer doesn't seem to want to give me any info?


800-392-3673 (from fords website under "contact us")


I would also tell your dealer you would like a print out of the order verification from ford to prove your order has been verified by them.

I ordered mine on the 10th of June and sounds like you are getting the same trouble I have been dealing with.

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I ordered my MMH from a dealer in Roseville, CA on July 11th and still have not received a VIN or ETA and the dealer seemed to think it might not arrive before Sept. 30 when the tax credit is cut in half again. I was originally given an estimate of 6-8 weeks when I placed the order. Several people have mentioned contacting Ford. Is there a number that I can call to check on my order since the dealer doesn't seem to want to give me any info?


I'm eligible for the X Plan, but none of the dealers are willing to honor it for a FFH or MMH in stock otherwise I'd go elsewhere. But if the problem is with the factory, I'd just be back at the end of the line for an order or end up paying MSRP. I've even considered going out of No. Cal., but the traveling time and expense would negate any savings.


At least the delays let me keep my '95 Mustang GT a bit longer.


Adam, as long as your DORA is dated before 9/30, you're eligible for $1700 credit...at least that's Ford's implied interpretation of the tax laws :)


I bought mine on 3/30, got it on 5/22...about 8 weeks...I'm operating under the assumption that I get the $3400 credit.

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Adam, as long as your DORA is dated before 9/30, you're eligible for $1700 credit...at least that's Ford's implied interpretation of the tax laws :)


I bought mine on 3/30, got it on 5/22...about 8 weeks...I'm operating under the assumption that I get the $3400 credit.


Correct - all you need is documentation that you ordered/purchased before the end of Sept. (Or the end of March for the $3,400). Keep a dated copy of your purchase order and a copy of the DOR, if they will give it to you, with your tax stuff,


Watch the forum for instructions on filling out the 8910 form to claim your tax credit. Last years instructions were a little confusing. If they don't make it clearer this year, we will guide you through it. Ordering constitutes purchasing. The delivery date is when you take possession (that controls the tax year for which you may claim your applicable credit.)

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Thanks for the info. Unfortunately, the dealer won't give me a PO without a VIN which he claims he won't have and won't get until shortly before the car arrives. I think I'll start calling other dealers tomorrow and see if I can find something in stock since at this point, I'm not sure if I want to do business with this dealer.


BTW, I'm not familiar with the term DOR or DORA. What exaclty is that?

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Thanks for the info. Unfortunately, the dealer won't give me a PO without a VIN which he claims he won't have and won't get until shortly before the car arrives. I think I'll start calling other dealers tomorrow and see if I can find something in stock since at this point, I'm not sure if I want to do business with this dealer.


BTW, I'm not familiar with the term DOR or DORA. What exaclty is that?


Dealer Order Receipt Acknowledgement - a one or two page printout. Mine has info on date processed, receipt date, partial VIN, priority, order options, MSRP and invoice price among other things.

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vschmidt: Go ahead and chalk me up for an ETA delivery date of 28SEP09 (puts me just shy of 16 weeks I believe, ya beat me by a hair)


Talked to FCC today and the nice lady told me a build week of 07SEP with an expected delivery between 21-28 Sep


I am chomping at the bit to not only get my car, but to fill out my review of my dealer...

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Just FYI, the $1,700 tax credit applies only to vehicles "purchased or placed in service" before October 1, 2009. Does signing an order form constitute a "purchase"? That's the $1,700 (or $3,400) question. I've heard that Ford contends that an order is sufficient, but I'd try to get something in writing if you don't expect the car to arrive before the deadline.


The IRS won't care what Ford thinks (they probably won't even care what some folks on a message board think) - but at least you'll have something in writing you can take to Ford if the IRS says no.

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The IRS won't care what Ford thinks (they probably won't even care what some folks on a message board think) - but at least you'll have something in writing you can take to Ford if the IRS says no.


We've hashed this around a bit in another thread on here somewhere, there doesn't seem to be a definite answer to it, although some say they strongly believe that placing the order is sufficient. Whether that truly is the case will end up being between the taxpayer and the IRS, so consulting a tax attorney may be a good idea. Perhaps as the end of the year approaches the IRS will post something about this in their FAQ area or in the their 1040 or 8910 instructions and give info on how they will interpret and enforce the rule, that sure would clear up some confusion.

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This article seems to support Ford's stance. It's old, but it says:


"For example, if consumer A purchases a Prius on Sept. 30, 2006, and takes possession in February 2007, consumer A can claim the full credit for 2007, the year in which the vehicle is placed in service."


This sentence would make no sense unless ordering = purchasing.

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vschmidt: Go ahead and chalk me up for an ETA delivery date of 28SEP09 (puts me just shy of 16 weeks I believe, ya beat me by a hair)


Talked to FCC today and the nice lady told me a build week of 07SEP with an expected delivery between 21-28 Sep


I am chomping at the bit to not only get my car, but to fill out my review of my dealer...


That's great news.


From your window sticker, it looks like they have you listed at level 025 pricing, also. I have my quote from the dealer, but that doesn't mean they won't start by trying to slide the 025 pricing levels in anyway.

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