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Snapshot of reported order-to-delivery history

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Very strange update from FCC today. Last Friday they informed me the car was complete and would ship on the 21st. Today they told me that on the 14th it was sent to "body modification" and is on its way back to the assembly plant. What in the world could that mean? This lady also said they have no estimated delivery listed yet but I should check back next week. How did I go from having an estimated shipping date, to "body modification" and no shipping date?


oh yea, and on a crappy note, if it really does take until the week of the 28th to arrive, I won't even be here. I have to head out of town on the 28th for a week... just my luck haha

That means carroll shelby is going to make some personal changes to it which you will be very happy with. :hysterical2:

Truthfully I have never heard of such a thing. Id be back on the phone with Ford and finding out just what that means.

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That means carroll shelby is going to make some personal changes to it which you will be very happy with. :hysterical2:

Truthfully I have never heard of such a thing. Id be back on the phone with Ford and finding out just what that means.


Maybe some cosmetic damage during the build that needed part replacement? Or maybe service bulletin work?

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A couple of weeks ago FCC told me to expect a Sept 21 delivery. Yesterday I called and they said it has been pushed back to sometime between Sept 24 and Oct 1. :(

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I checked in with the dealer today on my MMH. He still doesn't have a VIN or scheduled build date after 10 weeks. He did say he has a black one with everything coming in on 9/26 and another dealer has an one in Ice Blue with everything coming in on 9/27 and he could probably make a trade. He suggested I call back on 9/28 to check. Of course this is also getting close to 9/30 when the tax credit is reduced again.


I also checked with FCC, but the woman I spoke with didn't seem to know much about how to use her computer and could find no record of the order without the VIN. On second look at the Vehicle Order Confirmation page I have, it looks more like a final confirmation page on the system before the order is submitted, not an actual DORA. At the bottom of the page in bold it says "PRESS F4 TO SUBMIT".


I think they are just trying to sell me the next one they get in with nav to get the extra $1700 and possibly avoid giving me the X-Plan as well. Time to cancel and find another dealer.

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I checked in with the dealer today on my MMH. He still doesn't have a VIN or scheduled build date after 10 weeks. He did say he has a black one with everything coming in on 9/26 and another dealer has an one in Ice Blue with everything coming in on 9/27 and he could probably make a trade. He suggested I call back on 9/28 to check. Of course this is also getting close to 9/30 when the tax credit is reduced again.


I also checked with FCC, but the woman I spoke with didn't seem to know much about how to use her computer and could find no record of the order without the VIN. On second look at the Vehicle Order Confirmation page I have, it looks more like a final confirmation page on the system before the order is submitted, not an actual DORA. At the bottom of the page in bold it says "PRESS F4 TO SUBMIT".


I think they are just trying to sell me the next one they get in with nav to get the extra $1700 and possibly avoid giving me the X-Plan as well. Time to cancel and find another dealer.

you waited about 6 weeks to long. Tell the dealer you will take one coming in but want your Xplan

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I checked in with the dealer today on my MMH. He still doesn't have a VIN or scheduled build date after 10 weeks. He did say he has a black one with everything coming in on 9/26 and another dealer has an one in Ice Blue with everything coming in on 9/27 and he could probably make a trade. He suggested I call back on 9/28 to check. Of course this is also getting close to 9/30 when the tax credit is reduced again.


I also checked with FCC, but the woman I spoke with didn't seem to know much about how to use her computer and could find no record of the order without the VIN. On second look at the Vehicle Order Confirmation page I have, it looks more like a final confirmation page on the system before the order is submitted, not an actual DORA. At the bottom of the page in bold it says "PRESS F4 TO SUBMIT".


I think they are just trying to sell me the next one they get in with nav to get the extra $1700 and possibly avoid giving me the X-Plan as well. Time to cancel and find another dealer.


The tax credit is fixed when you order the car, and you claim it for the tax year when you receive the car. See many posts on this topic elsewhere in this forum. If you cancel your order and reorder after 9/30 then you will get the lower amount whatever that is. If you got confirmation from your dealer, signed order, cancelled check, whatever...just chill, your car will arrive. Talk to the sales manager or whomever orders the car at the dealer (not necessarily the salesman) and tell them you need a copy of the DORA and/or other confirmation from Ford for your tax records. Because of the tax credit issue, they are somewhat obligated to get you those documents because that is what you will need for your taxes. You will also see the priority assigned. The cash for clunkers have cleared most dealer lots so the problem is the factory is swamped with orders, and the lower the priority number assigned the sooner your car will be built (10 is the lowest priority you will see, and will be the fastest to get built-low number good, high number-bad). If your dealer assigned a higher priority, then unfortunately it will take longer for you to get your new ride. In addition, fleet sales will also affect the time to build. The US govt is a big purchaser of med size sedans and their orders come in before the end of the fiscal year The problem with getting new car later in the model year, is that you are dealing with fleet order mixes as well.


I got an early jump on my MMH having ordered in mid February and took receipt in early April, almost 8 weeks. I love the car. So be patient, bug your dealer (and not necessarily FCC) as the dealer is responsible for your order and keeping you apprised of what is going on. Salesmen are often reluntant to bother their managers for the information that should be readially available in their system. So talk to the sales manager. Be nice, but firm. Good luck

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I called back to give him one last chance to give me the right answers and said he would do the X-Plan even though it is techincally a vehicle in stock and quoted me the exact X-Plan price unlike before when he would just say that it will be on the invoice.


I have called several other Ford dealerships in the area over the last several weeks and would have canceled sooner, but none of them will do the X Plan even for an order and there are very few Lincoln/Mercury dealers around anymore, not to mention that I'd be likely to have a long delay with a new order for a Milan anyway.

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I checked in with the dealer today on my MMH. He still doesn't have a VIN or scheduled build date after 10 weeks. He did say he has a black one with everything coming in on 9/26 and another dealer has an one in Ice Blue with everything coming in on 9/27 and he could probably make a trade. He suggested I call back on 9/28 to check. Of course this is also getting close to 9/30 when the tax credit is reduced again.


I also checked with FCC, but the woman I spoke with didn't seem to know much about how to use her computer and could find no record of the order without the VIN. On second look at the Vehicle Order Confirmation page I have, it looks more like a final confirmation page on the system before the order is submitted, not an actual DORA. At the bottom of the page in bold it says "PRESS F4 TO SUBMIT".


I think they are just trying to sell me the next one they get in with nav to get the extra $1700 and possibly avoid giving me the X-Plan as well. Time to cancel and find another dealer.

The tax credit of $1,700 is protected if you have an order in the system, no matter when it is delivered. All you need is a dated copy of your purchase order. It would be nice to have a copy of the DORA also, since that will have your name on it and prove acceptance of the order by Ford (before the 9/30 cutoff.)

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FCC called today to inform us that they have no addional information to give us since their Sept. 10th update. It is now 16 weeks since our May 28th MMH order. We did find out that no discount will be given on an ESP. I feel like Rodney Dangerfield. FCC did say that she will update again on Sept. 22nd. I guess that means no MMH until at least week 17.


AMAZING, 16-weeks and 2-days and our Atlantis Green MMH 300A package with navigation was delivered today (Friday). We received a phone call from FCC Thursday morning while on vacation in Colorado. The FCC said “Your MMH is to arrive at your dealer at any moment.” We immediately left for HOME. Arriving late we drove by the dealer’s lot but didn’t see our car.


By 11:30 a.m. Friday we hadn’t received a call from the dealer so I drove by and parked in back of their lot. I walked by each of the service bays but didn’t see our Milan. In the very back of the shop, separate from the rest of the service area, are garage doors with small windows. I walked up looked behind door number one and there was a new Atlantis Green MMH. I called my wife and told her that the car was in the dealer’s lot. Why hadn’t been called to schedule delivery? I drove out of the lot and headed to the Ford lot where our salesman works.


Yes, that’s correct. The dealer in our town has the Ford dealership in one location and the Lincoln-Mercury dealership several blocks away in a different location. I started out looking for a FFH not knowing that there was such a thing as a MMH. When we were told of the MMH we found that we liked it much better. The sales personnel can sell from both locations so the Ford salesman sold us our Mercury.


I had only traveled three blocks when I got a call from the sales manager for the Mercury dealership. He asked if I had just left his location. I said yes. He then informed me that our car was in and I could come by and pick it up at any time. It was detailed and ready to go.


It just amazed me that after he saw me leaving his location that I receive a call to inform me our car that had been ordered more than 16 weeks ago is ready to go. Why didn’t I get a call from him the day it was delivered or a call prior to me seeing the car in his building and he seeing me leaving his lot?


When we picked up the MMH I asked for a discount on an ESP. The business manager came out to see me and gave me a price of more than $1,600. I had already checked out several ESP’s on the internet. The business manager actual said that he knows that the ESP is $200 cheaper on the internet but the extra $200 is his profit so he can feed his kids.


Moving on, our salesman did a great job of showing this old guy all the electronics. The problem is this old guy can’t remember what he had for breakfast let alone how to “Call Home.” I read the manuals twice before we took delivery but tonight I started my third time and I am sure tomorrow will bring my forth time.


We put on about seventy miles today. My seventy-five year old father drove a few of those miles. It was worth the price we paid just watching him drive his first” Hybrid.” He looked and acted like a teenager. His smile couldn’t have been any bigger.


It may have been a lousy experience but what a “GREAT CAR.”

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Ordered Aug. 14th in Philadelphia suburb and dealer e-mailed yesterday to schedule the finance session for Sept 24 with vehicle pick-up tentatively set for Sept. 28th. If all goes well 6 weeks total.

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My fleet buddy tells me that the MMilanH (body M0L) has a high probability of delays and the FFH (P0L) has a medium probability of delays. No explanation given. Both vehicle lines project 10-12 weeks delivery times.


Did your dealership submit other M0L orders ahead of you, or with higher priority? Are they scheduled yet?


A distinct possibility is that sales for the M0L are running far ahead of forecast and material delivery scheduling has not caught up yet.


We would be interested to hear what your delership says about where your order is in their order cycle.


Update, the dealer M0L orders now have a medium probability of delay. It may be that the retail orders are taking priority over the fleet orders, or some commodity issue has been resolved. Still says plan on 10-12 weeks for delivery (same as FFH). :shift:

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AMAZING, 16-weeks and 2-days and our Atlantis Green MMH 300A package with navigation was delivered today (Friday). We received a phone call from FCC Thursday morning while on vacation in Colorado. The FCC said “Your MMH is to arrive at your dealer at any moment.” We immediately left for HOME. Arriving late we drove by the dealer’s lot but didn’t see our car.


By 11:30 a.m. Friday we hadn’t received a call from the dealer so I drove by and parked in back of their lot. I walked by each of the service bays but didn’t see our Milan. In the very back of the shop, separate from the rest of the service area, are garage doors with small windows. I walked up looked behind door number one and there was a new Atlantis Green MMH. I called my wife and told her that the car was in the dealer’s lot. Why hadn’t been called to schedule delivery? I drove out of the lot and headed to the Ford lot where our salesman works.


Yes, that’s correct. The dealer in our town has the Ford dealership in one location and the Lincoln-Mercury dealership several blocks away in a different location. I started out looking for a FFH not knowing that there was such a thing as a MMH. When we were told of the MMH we found that we liked it much better. The sales personnel can sell from both locations so the Ford salesman sold us our Mercury.


I had only traveled three blocks when I got a call from the sales manager for the Mercury dealership. He asked if I had just left his location. I said yes. He then informed me that our car was in and I could come by and pick it up at any time. It was detailed and ready to go.


It just amazed me that after he saw me leaving his location that I receive a call to inform me our car that had been ordered more than 16 weeks ago is ready to go. Why didn’t I get a call from him the day it was delivered or a call prior to me seeing the car in his building and he seeing me leaving his lot?


When we picked up the MMH I asked for a discount on an ESP. The business manager came out to see me and gave me a price of more than $1,600. I had already checked out several ESP’s on the internet. The business manager actual said that he knows that the ESP is $200 cheaper on the internet but the extra $200 is his profit so he can feed his kids.


Moving on, our salesman did a great job of showing this old guy all the electronics. The problem is this old guy can’t remember what he had for breakfast let alone how to “Call Home.” I read the manuals twice before we took delivery but tonight I started my third time and I am sure tomorrow will bring my forth time.


We put on about seventy miles today. My seventy-five year old father drove a few of those miles. It was worth the price we paid just watching him drive his first” Hybrid.” He looked and acted like a teenager. His smile couldn’t have been any bigger.


It may have been a lousy experience but what a “GREAT CAR.”


Yeah :headspin: I'm happy for you. I know it has been painful but hopefully the car's quality will make it worth your excruciating experience.


I'm guessing that your vehicle was being detailed before delivery. But water under the bridge now.


I hope their service department is not as clueless as their Sales.


Good thing you know the ESP price before walking in. You can decide whether it is a deal or not. You can use the extra ~$200 to feed YOUR kids.

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The tax credit of $1,700 is protected if you have an order in the system, no matter wyhen it is delivered. All you need is a dated copy of your purchase order. It would be nice to have a copy of the DORA also, since that will have your name on it and prove acceptance of the order by Ford (before the 9/30 cutoff.)

I stopped at my dealers this morning and was telling him I would need paperwork on when we ordered car. I mentioned the DORA and he had no idea what that was. So I'm asking, what is the DORA?

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I stopped at my dealers this morning and was telling him I would need paperwork on when we ordered car. I mentioned the DORA and he had no idea what that was. So I'm asking, what is the DORA?


Dealer Order Receipt Acknowledgement

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The 'old guy' may need to read the manuals three or four times (I did / need to) !

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Hello everyone,


My wife, 6 month old daughter and I picked up our 2010 FFH today!!!. It is tuxedo black 502 a package with stone interior. We are all really excited, it had 3 miles on it this afternoon and we have since placed an additional 20. I will post pictures soon, our old computer recently crashed and now have a new one to go along with the car (so alot of new information to learn).


Anyway we placed our order on July 28th and picked it up on September 21st. This is the exact time frame our dealership told us about 4 days after our order was placed.



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Just got the word that our FFH, which was ordered on August 7, has arrived. We'll pick it up on September 23,

which is 6 or 7 weeks after we placed the order.


For what it's worth, it's a base model (literally the cheapest one possible). Location is the SF Bay Area, CA.


Edit: As an update, the car did indeed arrive, and we picked it up on Sept 23. My wife, who had delegated

the buying to me, was impressed.

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I ordered FFH on Aug. 27th. I have a Vin # and have been checking the site that prints out my Window Sticker but it isn't there yet. For those out there in the know when will this show up. According to FCC they say my car should be at dealers between 10/9 and 10/18. Dealer showed my his printout saying 10/12. So when will window sticker be online?

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I ordered FFH on Aug. 27th. I have a Vin # and have been checking the site that prints out my Window Sticker but it isn't there yet. For those out there in the know when will this show up. According to FCC they say my car should be at dealers between 10/9 and 10/18. Dealer showed my his printout saying 10/12. So when will window sticker be online?


Mine seemed to have been available on 5/6/09 (per printed date on window sticker). Took delivery on 5/22. Took two weeks I guess, but also dependent on transit time.

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Dealer Order Receipt Acknowledgement




I just ordered an Ice Blue FFH w/stone leather and 502A from the dealer on 9/18. The sales mgr gave me a computer printout which has "Vehicle Order Confirmation" at the top center of the page. It has order number, Priority: 10, Price Level: 025(I got the X-Plan), date, and the vehicle details. I would like some guidance from those who have ordered their FFH, as I am concerned whether I have everything to qualify for the $1700 tax credit which expires on Oct 1st.


1. Is this the DORA form?

2. I have a dealer issued receipt for my $1k credit card deposit, which has the date(9/18), my name, order #, and NAD #. Is this enough?

3. What is a FDAF assessment? Its listed as a line item on the DORA for $353, which is included in my price.

4. He took a copy of my driver's license and the receipt for the file. Is that used for factory verification?


I just called the sales mgr and he said to expect factory verification on Thursday, 9/24.


Thanks for your help.

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I just ordered an Ice Blue FFH w/stone leather and 502A from the dealer on 9/18. The sales mgr gave me a computer printout which has "Vehicle Order Confirmation" at the top center of the page. It has order number, Priority: 10, Price Level: 025(I got the X-Plan), date, and the vehicle details. I would like some guidance from those who have ordered their FFH, as I am concerned whether I have everything to qualify for the $1700 tax credit which expires on Oct 1st.


1. Is this the DORA form?

2. I have a dealer issued receipt for my $1k credit card deposit, which has the date(9/18), my name, order #, and NAD #. Is this enough?

3. What is a FDAF assessment? Its listed as a line item on the DORA for $353, which is included in my price.

4. He took a copy of my driver's license and the receipt for the file. Is that used for factory verification?


I just called the sales mgr and he said to expect factory verification on Thursday, 9/24.


Thanks for your help.


It sounds like DORA, but wouldn't hurt to ask your dealer for a copy if is is not. Ford has implied that DORA date is enough to claim the tax credit. Many articles in the internet also interpret the tax law that way. I have yet seen a clarification from IRS. I'm in the same boat (ordered when credit was $3400, took delivery when credit was $1700). FDAF, from what I understand, is regional advertising fee that is tacked on all vehicles. You may be able to get them to waive this, but I guess it's a long shot.

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After nearly 11 weeks, I finally got a VIN and a build date on my MMH. It is supposed to be built the week of 10/11 with delivery at the end of Oct. or first week of Nov. That would be 16 to 17 weeks from the day I placed my order. It looks like I could be the new "winner" for longest delivery time. :)

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After nearly 11 weeks, I finally got a VIN and a build date on my MMH. It is supposed to be built the week of 10/11 with delivery at the end of Oct. or first week of Nov. That would be 16 to 17 weeks from the day I placed my order. It looks like I could be the new "winner" for longest delivery time. :)


I feel your pain and wish you the best but WOW what a car!

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After nearly 11 weeks, I finally got a VIN and a build date on my MMH. It is supposed to be built the week of 10/11 with delivery at the end of Oct. or first week of Nov. That would be 16 to 17 weeks from the day I placed my order. It looks like I could be the new "winner" for longest delivery time. :)


Ask the dealership for a copy of the DORA. Tell them you need to keep it with your tax records. That will tell you when they ordered your vehicle from Ford. :shift:

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