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Open Allocation Still Ending June 30th?

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I'm new to the forum after lurking for several months. I have greatly enjoyed reading the many posts, reviews, and articles everyone has posted. It has been very helpful, as well as fun, reading all about this great car not from paid critics, but actual every day consumers and Ford/Fusion enthusiasts.


So, my wife has been excited for a Ford sedan hybrid for a long time, and as the FFH started to come to market, she asked me to look into it. I'm disabled and can't drive, so we are a one car household. She currently leases ('08 Fusion SE) which has a final payment this December. Despite the fact I thought it would be difficult to near impossible to get out of the lease early, back in February I contacted several dealers inquiring about ordering a FFH by March 31st. Just as I thought, they all explained how the lease was a contract, etc, and that the only ways out were to try and get someone to assume the remaining payments, or make the remaining payments yourself to end the contract, or make the rest of the payments and then purchase the car for its residual value, and then try and re-sell it to maybe make a little more than what was paid in the residual cost to offset a few of the monthly payments. However, they advised none were really good options, as even with the lease assumption on a site like LeaseTrader, it would be hard to find someone to take the lease with such limited mileage left (it's a low mileage lease and she's been on pace to hit the mileage mark with about 2 payments left to go, due to a job change which resulted in a longer commute).


Knowing we'd have to eat probably 2 payments due the mileage pace, or pay two months plus mileage overage charges, we were prepared to pay at least two payments to get out of the lease... maybe 3 or 4 even, but when they said back in February an ETA after order of anywhere from 6-12 weeks, 6-8 payments were just too much. Sure, the $3400 credit could have offset some of it, but based on our finances we wouldn't have gotten the entire credit anyway. Now, the $1700 credit would bring the tax liability close to $0. One dealer then suggested getting back to them in June or July, advising though it could be a longer wait by then due to change in allocation. So, we took the chance.


Thankfully Ford extended open allocation and we were pumped! So, we contact the dealers Friday and today and they say currently time between orders and deliveries are ranging for them from anywhere from 5-8 weeks based on their other retail orders placed. I asked if those numbers could be longer if they put a low priority on the order, and they couldn't guarantee that. Therefore, if we were to order on June 30th, we'd probably be looking at sometime in August for delivery... then making what would be 4-5 payments left on the lease. Due to some recent health costs and disability benefit issues, those 2 payments mentioned above would still be doable, maybe even a third, but 4 or 5 would be tough on top of putting the saved up money for the down payment on the FFH to make the monthly payments doable.


When asked if they had heard of any chance of Ford extending again the open allocation, they had no clue, and did warn that after the 30th, the wait could be long, which I already understood.


So, I was hoping maybe someone has heard anything yet on if Ford intends to move forward as planned with their allocation strategy starting July 1st, or if due to the success of this current plan, extend it again to maybe the end of the summer, allowing as many as possible all over the country to take advantage of the $1700 credit and for those with older gas guzzlers the new Cash for Clunkers program.


I had the feeling if I was calling these places looking for something else, they'd be quick to deal, as more than once they tried talking me into getting into another lease like an Edge, explaining they could probably void the rest of the current lease if we signed for a new one through a lease pull-ahead. They even warned how the FFH payments would be significantly more than what we pay now, to which I told them I didn't plan on financing through them but rather our credit union for what was probably 3% less on the APR. I can understand these guys want to make sales in a tough economy, but arghhhh....


This is the 3rd car she has leased now, and it will be the last. It made sense back when she got her first new car, but now, this whole situation has made us realize that leases really trap and lock you in... leaving very little options and room to work if something comes up. Plus, having to guess your mileage and then being wrong just plain stinks.

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not from paid critics, but actual every day consumers and Ford/Fusion enthusiasts.


So I guess we are the unpaid critics. :)


I ordered my FFH on May 22, and it was built last week and is now on a truck and will be here at the dealer in VA on Monday June 29, so just over 5 weeks.


Where are you located? Even though I have placed my order I still surf around the net to see what the going prices are, I found one loaded model an hour away that is selling for $2,500 under MSRP, so the deals are out there although many dealers will try and stick with MSRP if they can. Also, if you lurk more around the other threads there are others who also got good deals, I got $1,000 under MSRP but others got much better than that -- so in your calculations, if you are using MSRP to determine your break-even costs when considering the current leased vehicle, you might be able to get a slightly better deal than you thought.

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Sure, the $3400 credit could have offset some of it, but based on our finances we wouldn't have gotten the entire credit anyway. Now, the $1700 credit would bring the tax liability close to $0.



The tax credit is not subject to AMT per the stimulus bill so you should be eligible for the full credit.

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My advice would be to order it with a REFUNDABLE deposit (of course negotiate with a few dealers to get the best price), line up a credit union (like you planned) and if anything changes, cancel the order. If Open Allocation is extended, then you'll be able to cancel, get your money back, and re-order by September 30 and still get the $1700 credit. Cancelling the order may help the dealer since it does not count against their allocation.


I ordered mine (Tri coat white, 502A) $250 over invoice with $500 refundable deposit on 3/30 and received it on 5/22...almost 8 weeks.

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I think one of the biggest question marks for me is where are you located? If you are on a coast then I would say you could just wait and they may have enough allocations but if you are in the middle of the country then they may not get any allocations or your dealer may need to agree to take an additional amount of vehicles to get a hybrid allocation.


My order took right around 8 weeks total and my dealer did not want deposit. Granted that kind of left me open. The dealership didn't care to much about the deposit since it was an additional car and they have had no problem selling Hybrids if I backed out.

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My order took 7 weeks, 2 days. One option you have is to find out the market value of the car which you have leased. You then find out if you have an early pay off amount on your present car. If you can sell your car for close to your payoff, then sell it and order the FFH. You can also rent a cheap car weekly until the FFH comes in.

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I didn't think this needed a separate thread, but throwing it out there in case anyone is interested. Below is the URL for a window sticker lookup, if you know how the check digit algorithm works I suppose you can check any VIN, but for those that have been given their VIN and would like to pull this up, here it is:


http://services.forddirect.fordvehicles.co...ADP0L3xAR1xxxxx (replace the x chars with valid values)

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I didn't think this needed a separate thread, but throwing it out there in case anyone is interested. Below is the URL for a window sticker lookup, if you know how the check digit algorithm works I suppose you can check any VIN, but for those that have been given their VIN and would like to pull this up, here it is:


http://services.forddirect.fordvehicles.co...ADP0L3xAR1xxxxx (replace the x chars with valid values)


Thanks for the link. This also works for the MMH. Just substitute your vin in place of the Ford vin, so in other words is would be 3MEDM0L3xAR6xxxxx

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Thanks for all the replies. We had a really bad storm which went through here last Thursday which knocked out power for close to 48 hours, and we just got our internet up regularly late yesterday, so I just got a chance to read everything.


After reviewing all options, talking to some people, and making some phone calls, we decided to cross our fingers and hold off a couple more months and hope for the best. Is there a big risk/chance doing this? Of course, but none of the options made much financial sense after exploring each in depth. I've always believed things work out if they are meant to be, and if they aren't, then there was probably a good reason why, even if it doesn't seem obvious. I'll write any updates as the weeks progress.


Keep up the great posts, reviews, comments! I enjoy reading them immensely! They'll continue to educate me even more over the upcoming weeks! :)

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Oryon - your luck continues.


Ford just extended the open allocation until the end of the year for the FFH and MMilanH. The next "upset" date is September 30. You should order before then to take advantage of the $1,700 tax credit. If you order after 9/30, the credit become $850.


My fleet buddy tells me to plan on 8 to 10 weeks for delivery. Seems like 8 is the most likely, based on the experiences here. The various government agencies are ordering a lot of Fusion Hybrids. Don't know iof that will slow down the scheduling process. (Presiden Obama already has his.) :shift:

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Oryon - your luck continues.


Ford just extended the open allocation until the end of the year for the FFH and MMilanH. The next "upset" date is September 30. You should order before then to take advantage of the $1,700 tax credit. If you order after 9/30, the credit become $850.


My fleet buddy tells me to plan on 8 to 10 weeks for delivery. Seems like 8 is the most likely, based on the experiences here. The various government agencies are ordering a lot of Fusion Hybrids. Don't know iof that will slow down the scheduling process. (Presiden Obama already has his.) :shift:

Great news!


Obama really has one? Personal or in his fleet? Wouldn't he be driving in a bulletproof limo?

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Obama really has one? Personal or in his fleet? Wouldn't he be driving in a bulletproof limo?


No, I've seen in other stories that it was McCain that just bought a FFH, Obama already had an Escape Hybrid.

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Fantastic news, Grey! What a great way to start the week after the holiday weekend! :happy feet:

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