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New FFH blog/discussion site

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I thought I'd try my hand at blogging so I've started a blog/discussion site about my newly ordered FFH. There doesn't seem to be a focused community on the inter-web for the FFH like PriusChat. Stop on by and leave a comment on my blog or add to the discussion forum!



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Great start to your blog. The pics of the Atlantis Green are spot on; it really does look like that in person. It'll be nice if you really go into the details when your FFH comes in.

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Great start to your blog. The pics of the Atlantis Green are spot on; it really does look like that in person. It'll be nice if you really go into the details when your FFH comes in.

Thanks! I do plan to go into detail when I get the car.


I posted an update to Atlantis Green revealed that shows how black it looks on a cloudy day.

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