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So any discounts on the Fusion Hybrid?

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I think Ford would be none too happy as they make the dealer go through the whole verification process in order to avoid this kind of practice. I am pretty sure you would also have grounds to sue them over breach of contract.

I don't know if they did go through a verification process. They took my license, but they didn't run a credit check. I had to ask them for the order receipt; and the receipt copy they gave me was a xerox without their signature line on it (was off the bottom of the xerox) and no date! I called them up a couple days later and had them send me the original green copy of the receipt, and told them to make sure it was dated and signed, which they did.

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I think you may be getting ahead of yourself here. Yes, any dealer (or individual) can try to cheat you, but usually not. A reputable business isn't really going to run the risk of a fight with Ford, you, the local office of Consumer Affairs, etc., just for a little money. The verification process is so that Ford knows someone other than the dealership ordered the car. Hybrids were (and still may be) on allocation, meaning that dependent on the dealer size and location, only a few hybrids can be ordered for stock. However, if an individual ordered the car, it wasn't counted against the dealer's allocation. That is why Ford wanted a copy of your driver's license. Enjoy the anticipation...




I don't know if they did go through a verification process. They took my license, but they didn't run a credit check. I had to ask them for the order receipt; and the receipt copy they gave me was a xerox without their signature line on it (was off the bottom of the xerox) and no date! I called them up a couple days later and had them send me the original green copy of the receipt, and told them to make sure it was dated and signed, which they did.

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I don't know if they did go through a verification process. They took my license, but they didn't run a credit check. I had to ask them for the order receipt; and the receipt copy they gave me was a xerox without their signature line on it (was off the bottom of the xerox) and no date! I called them up a couple days later and had them send me the original green copy of the receipt, and told them to make sure it was dated and signed, which they did.



EDIT: I was typing this reply at the same time as "asperities" was replying above, so I had not read it. However, as you can see, I agree with his philosophy.


Hi WPWood. :D Sometimes in life (actually most of the time), there is no sense in worrying until the time arises to worry (if it ever does).


If you ordered by 3/31, (I forget and do not feel like going back to read from the beginning), you should rally have nothing to worry about. There was an order verification process for orders that was instituted by Ford, and the Dealer could cause themselves a lot of grief if the vehicle is not sold to the original buyer.


As akirby answered to your "Could it happen..." question: Yes it is "possible". But then, it is also possible that the sun may not come up tomorrow and we will all not be here. In other words, the answer is that you need to stop worrying and simply wait for your car to arrive.


Everything should go just fine. Don't worry until it is time to worry. You are just causing yourself unnecessary anxiety. :banghead:


I think everything will work out just fine.


Good luck with your new Fusion Hybrid. :beerchug:

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I wouldn't loose too much sleep over worrying about the dealer trying to cheat you. The drivers license and $500 desposit was Fords requirement, not the dealers and if they cashed that check, you have a valid contract. As far as not running a credit check, they really have no need to do that, if in the end you don't qualify for a loan, the dealer will have no problem selling the car and will probably be quite happy about it. FWIW, the dealer intimated to me when I ordered mine, that I the buyer could back out at a later date if I so desired. With the allocation program being as tight as it is, I doubt dealers are going to cry over a buyer backing out on an order.


I've been very happy with my dealer, he his suppose to contact me to let us actually drive one of his two allocated vehicles when they actually come in. Anyway, I wouldn't worry as there is nothing you can do about it now, but maybe bug the dealer for the VIN number in maybe another week. Once you get that VIN number your mind should be at ease.



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if they cashed that check, you have a valid contract


And they could just as easily give you back the $500 and say "sorry, we can't get the car."


It's perfectly legal - they are not required to sell you a car in the first place. But they can't keep your money.


That said - it would be rare for that to happen.

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And they could just as easily give you back the $500 and say "sorry, we can't get the car."


It's perfectly legal - they are not required to sell you a car in the first place. But they can't keep your money.


That said - it would be rare for that to happen.

They can't legally say "sorry, we can't get the car" when they actually got it and then sell it to someone else. That would be fraud. Using my money to get a car from Ford under false pretenses, and my opportunity lost to get the $3400 credit.

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And they could just as easily give you back the $500 and say "sorry, we can't get the car."


It's perfectly legal - they are not required to sell you a car in the first place. But they can't keep your money.


That said - it would be rare for that to happen.


I am not sure why you think that would be perfectly legal. It is clearly a breach of contract. I asked my wife about it and she is a lawyer.

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They can't legally say "sorry, we can't get the car" when they actually got it and then sell it to someone else. That would be fraud. Using my money to get a car from Ford under false pretenses, and my opportunity lost to get the $3400 credit.


IF you have a VIN and can prove they sold THAT car to someone else AND you have damages (in this case you only lose $1700 out of the $3400 credit) then you MIGHT have a case.


If you don't have a VIN then you can't prove anything and outside of the hybrid tax credit, you wouldn't be able to prove any damages from a dealer not selling you that particular vehicle. So normally even if you could prove they sold the car to someone else you don't have any damages since you can buy the same vehicle from another dealer.

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I am not sure why you think that would be perfectly legal. It is clearly a breach of contract. I asked my wife about it and she is a lawyer.


Funny thing about lawyers - they're wrong 50% of the time in court cases.


It is legal if they truly can't get the vehicle. Proving that is the hard part if you don't have a VIN. And even if you can prove that then you have to prove your damages. That's almost impossible outside of the hybrid tax credit.

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hehe, not a bad idea at all. The dealership I ordered from is River Bend Ford in Bainbridge, GA. I won't name the dealership that wouldn't budge, but you can figure it out if you look at what city I'm in.


Anyone in Tallahassee should make the drive to South Georgia and do some shopping around, much better prices to be had.


Also, if anyone decides to buy a car from River Bend, let me know. I get a $100 referral fee, and I can give that to you as $100 off the price of your car. (My friend did that for me, so I'll give back to the community :-) )


Hey I can confirm that. I am in Atlanta and was tired of the B.S. with the in-town dealers (lemme get this straight, full MSRP for you to fax in an order???). I saw this post and called in to River Bend... It's pretty smooth going, and they are even willing to home deliver for a reasonable price.


So, if you are in GA (especially Atlanta) and want a FFH to deal with the traffic on 285, talk to River Bend Ford in Bainbridge, GA.

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Funny thing about lawyers - they're wrong 50% of the time in court cases.


It is legal if they truly can't get the vehicle. Proving that is the hard part if you don't have a VIN. And even if you can prove that then you have to prove your damages. That's almost impossible outside of the hybrid tax credit.


And baseball players get paid millions of dollars to hit the ball 30% of the time. I am not sure what your point is. Besides, that statistic does not make non-lawyers any more qualified to give legal advice.


If it did come to a civil lawsuit, you don't have to "prove" anything, just show that it is more likely than not that the dealer is screwing you. Damages can include loss of enjoyment of the vehicle in addition to losses related to fuel efficiency and increases in taxes and licensing fees that have occurred in some states since last month.

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And baseball players get paid millions of dollars to hit the ball 30% of the time. I am not sure what your point is. Besides, that statistic does not make non-lawyers any more qualified to give legal advice.


If it did come to a civil lawsuit, you don't have to "prove" anything, just show that it is more likely than not that the dealer is screwing you. Damages can include loss of enjoyment of the vehicle in addition to losses related to fuel efficiency and increases in taxes and licensing fees that have occurred in some states since last month.


You're ignoring the fact that you can easily go to another dealer and buy a similar vehicle, thus limiting your actual damages. My point was that just because a lawyer gives you their opinion it doesn't mean it's right. And even in a civil case you still have to have proof. But you only need proof by a preponderance of the evidence (51%) and not proof beyond a reasonable doubt. Otherwise it's your word against the dealer's word.


Not saying it isn't possible, just that it would be very hard to win enough in damages to make it worth the effort. Just go to another dealer and make a BBB report.

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I just ordered my FFH yesterday. I sat next to the salesman while he put the oder into the system. He printed the screen with the order number on it and gave it to me. I got it at X-Plan price. He only wanted $100 as deposit. I have a priority code of 20. whatever that means. So we will see. I hope to get a VIN # from him next week and then it can be tracked.

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I have a priority code of 20. whatever that means.


That is a dealer priority that they place on vehicle orders. Normally, dealers assign codes from 10-90. The lower the code number, the quicker the dealership wants the vehicle scheduled for production.


Many factors affect the scheduling process within Ford - allocation, commodity availability, priority and date ordered.


Your dealership may assign a 20 to all orders and let the order date control the sequencing. Some dealers assign priorities by order date and others leave room in their prioritization to slip a favored customer ahead of somebody that ordered earlier. If the dealer's mom decided she wanted a vehicle like yours, her order might get a 10 and be scheduled before you.


Since FFH's are on open allocation, you should not have any delays beyond normal plant capacity. Priorities only affect the ordering dealers scheduling. Your 20 priority is just as good as another dealers 10 priority (unless your dealership places another order in the system with a lower priority.)

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