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About adam67

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  1. It happened to my MMH at around 300 miles, so it might not have anything to do with distance.
  2. But he could also look at the registration in your car and may have your house keys if you keep them on the same keyring as your car keys. For portable units, they usually have a lock feature that requires a code to turn it on if you are not at the home location.
  3. California requires a front license plate and the dealer is required to ensure that the bracket is installed. You also have to sign a form acknowledging that you are aware that it is required. However, when I got my Mustang 15 years ago, the dealer managed to put the screw in too high on one side and ran it through the top of the bumper. I had to take it back to the body shop the week I got it and had them leave the license plate off. It's been off ever since and I've never had an issue with it, not even when I got a speeding ticket, although I have heard of others getting fix-it tickets for it.
  4. I finally got my MMH tonight! It only took 15 weeks! I also found out what the hold up was. When I asked for a copy of the DORA, they also included a copy of an e-mail they received from Ford advising them that they needed additional info to complete the order. I placed the order on 7/11, but the e-mail was dated 9/23. There was a hand-written note at the bottom saying that the order was resubmitted that day. Good thing they got it in before 9/30.
  5. The window sticker for my Ice Blue MMH just showed up yesterday as well, 13 weeks after I placed the order. It is scheduled to be built this week.
  6. After nearly 11 weeks, I finally got a VIN and a build date on my MMH. It is supposed to be built the week of 10/11 with delivery at the end of Oct. or first week of Nov. That would be 16 to 17 weeks from the day I placed my order. It looks like I could be the new "winner" for longest delivery time. :)
  7. I called back to give him one last chance to give me the right answers and said he would do the X-Plan even though it is techincally a vehicle in stock and quoted me the exact X-Plan price unlike before when he would just say that it will be on the invoice. I have called several other Ford dealerships in the area over the last several weeks and would have canceled sooner, but none of them will do the X Plan even for an order and there are very few Lincoln/Mercury dealers around anymore, not to mention that I'd be likely to have a long delay with a new order for a Milan anyway.
  8. I checked in with the dealer today on my MMH. He still doesn't have a VIN or scheduled build date after 10 weeks. He did say he has a black one with everything coming in on 9/26 and another dealer has an one in Ice Blue with everything coming in on 9/27 and he could probably make a trade. He suggested I call back on 9/28 to check. Of course this is also getting close to 9/30 when the tax credit is reduced again. I also checked with FCC, but the woman I spoke with didn't seem to know much about how to use her computer and could find no record of the order without the VIN. On second look at the Vehicle Order Confirmation page I have, it looks more like a final confirmation page on the system before the order is submitted, not an actual DORA. At the bottom of the page in bold it says "PRESS F4 TO SUBMIT". I think they are just trying to sell me the next one they get in with nav to get the extra $1700 and possibly avoid giving me the X-Plan as well. Time to cancel and find another dealer.
  9. The priority on my order is 15 and was verified on 7/13. I don't know for sure how many others they have on order other than that they have one in black with everything coming in around the week of 9/28 since they initial gave me the VIN for that one, but I don't know when it was ordered or what its priority was. I initially assumed the dealer was to blame and not Ford, but so far, it looks like they got the order in correctly and promptly.
  10. I'm curious, for those who ordered a MMH and had a long wait or are still waiting, did you order with or without the Nav system? From looking at the dealer inventories online, it doesn't seem like they are building them without Nav and I wonder if that's contributing to the longer build times in addition to the fact that they just don't build as many Milans. I ordered mine without Nav and I'm currently at nearly 10 weeks with no VIN and no scheduled build date. The dealer confirmed the order with Ford two days after I placed it, so the hold up appears to be entirely with Ford.
  11. I just checked and the window sticker for the VIN the dealer gave me for my MMH is now online. Just one problem, it's not my car. I ordered Ice Blue without nav and the VIN is for one in black with nav and remote start. So now I need to find out if they ordered it wrong, accidently gave me the wrong VIN, or they're just lying to me.
  12. Just got back from the dealer. Initially, one of the guys tried to tell me that the guy who handled their orders wasn't there and I should come back on Monday since they didn't have the info. Then the sales manager motioned me into his office and showed me a printout taped to the wall of the status of all of their orders including mine with the VIN. He still said that he couldn't give me a copy of an order confirmation until Monday but told me the VIN so I could write it down. I then told him I would feel alot more comfortable if I had something in writing with the agreed on price. He told me with the X Plan, he couldn't change the price and it would be on the invoice when the car arrived. I then asked at least for something saying I would get the X Plan pricing. So he asked for my PIN which he wrote on a paper in my file with a note saying X Plan pricing, copied it, signed it, and gave it to me. I looked at it and it was the order confirmation he supposedly couldn't give me. The order date was Monday 7/13, so apparentlhy there was no delay in placing the order. I still don't know what the secrecy and evasivness was for. So I feel a bit better now, but I know I'm going to have to keep an eye on everything when dealing with them.
  13. I talked to FCC today, 9 weeks after placing my order for a MMH, and they said that my order is still waiting to be scheduled. So I still don't have a VIN or a DORA. I'm heading to the dealer now to try to get the DORA and a signed agreement on the X-Plan price. If I can't get either, I'll be cancelling the order and shopping for a FFH. My concern at this point isn't Ford and the delay, it's my growing distrust of the dealer since I suspect he didn't get the order in on time which caused the delay and prevented me from using C4C. I'm also afraid that I won't get anything in writing from him to show the order before 9/30 or that he will try to change the price on me when it arrives after 9/30 knowing that I'll lose out on $850 and wouldn't want to wait to order elsewhere. At this point, I could probably order a similar FFH and get it close to the same time as the MMH since they don't seem to be building many Milans.
  14. Too bad they don't offer this color on the hybrids. I'm replacing by Bright Blue '95 Mustang and was hoping for a similar color. I'll have to settle for Ice Blue instead which is okay, but not nearly as nice as the Sport Blue.
  15. I've got one in my '95 Mustang and my mom has one in her '93 Thunderbird and they both work fine. They don't always stay put when you take the GPS in and out, but it's not hard to adjust. They can be a bit difficult to put on and take off though due to the barbs on the end of the clips. I like the location down and to my right where it's easy to see but not in the way. It does block the airflow, but if I slide it to the far right, it's not too bad. I'm thinking of getting another one for my wife's '06 Escape Hybrid, but I'm not sure if it will work as well with the vertical vent design.
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