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About swsaint

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  1. Just curious as to why you need to call FCC again? Since you will be out of town until mid Nov and they already told you it was shipped and that it will be in next week......depending where you are at, probably take 10 days at the most from shipment to delivery to your dealer. FCC isn't there to give you train numbers...not sure they can really do that anyway. I think if people really start to abuse the system, the less likely they will be to provide the information. They do it as a favor, you really are supposed to get that info from your dealer. I know you are excited, we all were, but sometimes excitement gets in the way of common sense.
  2. Yep, have already noticed my mileage on my daily commute has dropped from the 38 to 39 range to the 35 to 36 range since it has gotten colder here in Cleveland in the last week or so.
  3. At one time (and maybe it still is) gasoline came in by pipeline to a central distribution point, and you will see a number of brand and unbranded distributors located around those pipeline points. The gasoline was all the same and it was additive packages (such as BP Ice guard-does that still exist?) that was added as the gasoline was loaded into the tanker truck on the final leg to the gas station. Each brand has their own additive package which might include a coloring agent. So the gasoline was all coming from the same pipeline, unless you were lucky (or unlucky) enough to live close to a refinery and you were getting it directly from the source. A former neighbor of mine worked as a distribution manager for a very major oil company and told me about this. Surprised the heck out of me, but when you stop and think about it, it makes sense. Now don't know how they handle the octane issue or how the ethanol thing works, but for sure the 6 or so grades at Sunoco were all based on blending the low and high octane gas at the pump based on the blended you dialed in.
  4. The DORA is an acknowledgement from Ford back to the dealer that the order has been received and accepted. I'm neither a tax attorney or accountant, but I don't need to be. We have been discussing this issue since they started taking orders on the hybrids. Place a deposit down for the vehicle, $500 is enough (dated check is good), get a dated, signed sales document/receipt (it won't necessarily look like a formal invoice) but should contain your name and what you are buying with the options and color listed and will even have an approximate price from the dealer, make sure he gets a copy of your drivers license, so he can send that in to Ford and do it before the end of the day on the 30th of Sept. That constitutes a purchase per the IRS. Don't rely on the LA times, go to the IRS web site and you can pull up last years tax form and read the instructions and read the examples. Then make sure you get a copy of the DORA when the dealer gets it, and to be on the safe side make sure the dealer understands that you need them to submit the order to Ford ASAP. Dealer's sometimes drag their feet. You won't get a DORA immediately, unless the dealer sends in the order while you wait and some how it is immediately accepted. I guess that could happen, but I wouldn't hold my breath. Then it is just a matter of waiting for the build and delivery. You won't be disappointed.
  5. The tax credit is fixed when you order the car, and you claim it for the tax year when you receive the car. See many posts on this topic elsewhere in this forum. If you cancel your order and reorder after 9/30 then you will get the lower amount whatever that is. If you got confirmation from your dealer, signed order, cancelled check, whatever...just chill, your car will arrive. Talk to the sales manager or whomever orders the car at the dealer (not necessarily the salesman) and tell them you need a copy of the DORA and/or other confirmation from Ford for your tax records. Because of the tax credit issue, they are somewhat obligated to get you those documents because that is what you will need for your taxes. You will also see the priority assigned. The cash for clunkers have cleared most dealer lots so the problem is the factory is swamped with orders, and the lower the priority number assigned the sooner your car will be built (10 is the lowest priority you will see, and will be the fastest to get built-low number good, high number-bad). If your dealer assigned a higher priority, then unfortunately it will take longer for you to get your new ride. In addition, fleet sales will also affect the time to build. The US govt is a big purchaser of med size sedans and their orders come in before the end of the fiscal year The problem with getting new car later in the model year, is that you are dealing with fleet order mixes as well. I got an early jump on my MMH having ordered in mid February and took receipt in early April, almost 8 weeks. I love the car. So be patient, bug your dealer (and not necessarily FCC) as the dealer is responsible for your order and keeping you apprised of what is going on. Salesmen are often reluntant to bother their managers for the information that should be readially available in their system. So talk to the sales manager. Be nice, but firm. Good luck
  6. The below is in the signature block for SMR2112. PM him and I'm sure he can fill you in on the stock purchase x plan pin thing. From SMR2112 * PM me for Shareholders Services form to get X-Plan Pricing
  7. I've seen prices here all over the place. Some a little below MSRP, some at MSRP and some above. Depends on the dealer and part of the country. Not all dealers will sell you a FFh below MSRP. If you are looking to buy, try to get an X plan pin. I got a MMH with a z plan pin (Ford Retired family) and saved over $4,000 plus I got the max hybrid credit. Of course, x plan pricing will still get you a decent discount as well. As I understand it you can get an x plan pin if you also own a share of Ford stock which is selling for less than $10 a share (or you can find an employee who has an extra X plan pin that he will give you) So for $10 you might be able to save a $1,000 on a price of a vehicle. Pretty good deal actually. If you look around in the forum, someone had a link to a site with the information. What you save with the xplan pin is just a guess on my part, but someone on this forum can give you a better figure on what you can save.
  8. I don't think it has to do with anything related to the scrap value. I believe it is based on the fuel mileage. Go to the web site and look at the chart. The dealer is supposed to credit you with that value, then they get reimbursed by the federal government. Anything less then I believe there is probably fraud involved or the dealer is at least mistaken, probably the first. Never, never deal with a car dealer unless you are informed before hand. The amount is either 3500 or 4500.
  9. Don't want to get in a "I can top you" contest, but I can. My MMH with 1260 miles on it was rear ended. Hit skip driver hit a 2008 Nissan in the rear and she hit me. Fortunately only damage was to the rear plastic bumper and the clips that hold it on, but it was $1160 to fix. My insurance covered all but my $500 deductible, as her insurance says it wasn't her fault ( :censored: you Liberty Mutual!) so they won't pay me anything. Plus their claims people were downright nasty when I talked with them. Obviously she was too too close to me otherwise she shouldn't have hit me as the traffic was moving. So I will probably take them to small claims courts. Same day caught a rock in the windshield and that left a small chip, so I got to get that fixed too. :banghead:
  10. Thanks for the link. This also works for the MMH. Just substitute your vin in place of the Ford vin, so in other words is would be 3MEDM0L3xAR6xxxxx
  11. Log in to your account. You will see your plan listed. Next to your plan you will see a link to "Extend your subscription" You will get a new screen with 4 or 5 plans listed. At the bottom will be another link that says "See more options" click on that and it will give you 4 more options, one of which is Lifetime Plan for $499.99 which is less than the 3 year and 42 month plan. Which doesn't make sense to me. Anyway there may be some limitations so make sure you read the "terms and conditions"
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