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Everything posted by Shadoweb

  1. Here's what I put into my black beauties... I have a cart just for cleaning/polishing supplies, and the bag on the right is my Porter Cable 7424XP Dual Action Polisher with a few different strengths of abrasive polishes. The various polishes, Zaino Bros on the left some other items from Auto Fair and Autogeek on the right. Nitrile gloves and a microfiber apron for the actual work... 3x wafflweave microfiber drying towels with foam cores to absorb the water, standard waffle weave towel for glass. I'll also use my cordless leaf blower for blowing water out of mirrors, grills, etc. Different types of Microfiber towels for removing certain stages of polish. Applicator pads & sponge for Zaino Bros Products, Pads for the Porter Cable, tire applicator & detail applicators (basically a foam finger mitten) The Car Show bag. Quick detailer, Tire gloss and sun screen. I'll take one of the grey QD towels with me to the show. And a washing bucket, soap sprayer, microfiber mitt, sponge & Wheel Woolies I may be just a bit picky about the exterior appearance. :whistling: In that bucket is a few leather care items since all 3 cars have black leather seats, and under the buffing towels are some generic microfibers from local stores that will never touch paint to keep the interior nice as well.
  2. Because Black is a PITA to keep clean. ;) (Though ZainoBros sure love the fact that I have 2 black cars). I also looked at a Bordeaux FFH but it was Job 1 and less options to boot. Besides, I think it makes a statement about being the polar opposite of my other rides.
  3. Sure, Charlotte Autofair, Fall 2014 at Charlotte Motor Speedway. The Ford Owners Club of the Carolinas was positioned in the Garage area. On the rollers at the Spring SVT Cobra Mustang Club/Pro Dyno Cruise in The results from that show. Best (Non Mustang) Ford. Mason Dixon Dragway Pictorial of the build here: http://www.mn12tbird.com/forgedblock/ Both of them the day my 97 was delivered from Arizona (prior to all the engine work) At a friends house shortly after buying it. And with the hard top. Finally, the driveway buddies last Tuesday during our ice storm.
  4. Hello all, I just took ownership of a job2 Oxford White 2013 FFH SE with Luxury package to by my daily driver. The wife will take over my old dd, a 2002 Ford Thunderbird and the 350 rwhp 1997 Thunderbird will sit in the garage until it's going to car shows or the dragstrip. I've been reading the forums a few weeks now and have already plugged the grill with 3/4 pipe insulation to keep the ICE warm (Never thought I'd ever be trying to make an engine warmer...)
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