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About brokenbob

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  1. I am doing nothing different than last year. The temperatures are not that cold when this occurs. 20 to 40 degree range. The car is kept in the garage. It behave quite normal yesterday with several 5-6 mile trips indicating 48-49 MPG. Can't complain about that! Temps were in the upper 40's yesterday
  2. The EV+ seems to be working ok. It stopped working after the 140B3 (this is what my dealer said was a PCM recall, I do not know about the 14E02). The Service Order from my last visit indicated the Mechanic did something to make the EV+ work. No, he did not just turn it on at the dash-I had checked that prior to taking it in. I do and have done all of the things that all of you have suggested. I am wondering now if the engine has to be good and warm before it will allow the motor to kick in? Yesterday, I remote started for about 10 minutes-everything seemed to work as expected except a couple of times I saw the battery completely full and still charging. I am use to having the car go on battery while at stop lights and this doesn't always happen even though the batter is 3/4 charged. Thanks for all the feedback
  3. Thanks for the responses. After looking at your all's MPG I am more certain than ever that I still have some type of problem. Prior to the aforementioned problem I too was getting MPG comparable to you. It's very discouraging to see 26 MPG when I know that it should be in the mid 40's. Oh well, guess I just keep bugging the Dealer.
  4. I have 7,000 miles on my Fusion, been driving it for a year. My wife and I have been competing to see who gets the best gas mileage each time we drive it. It has been normal to see the high 40's and mid 50's on drive of 5 or 6 miles. We are also accustom to see the battery level recede to about 1/4 when the engine kicks in. Normally it will charge to about 3/4 full and the battery will then take over. On a particularly cold morning, I noticed the battery being full charged and the engine continued to run continuing to charge the battery. We use the "Engage" monitor on the dash. After driving about 5 miles the battery was still in full charge but not discharging. This also occurred with my wife when she drove it the next day. Our MPG was staying in the low 30's to high 20's. At times the battery would discharge and recycle but it was different from our past 11 months experience. I took it to the Dealer-They informed me there was a recall and performed Field Service Action 14B03. Drove for a week and while it was a little better, the problem was still there and our gas mileage is staying in the low 30's. Not only that we were not able to get the EV+ to work. It was more intermittent but you could guarantee that it would occur several times a day. Returned it to the Dealer-They could not reproduce the problem, said I probably had a lead foot and that 35-36 mpg is what would be expected during this time of the year. Mechanic also stated he had not ridden with me. They did get my EV+ working but I am still getting low 30's mpg. I had this car during last years winter and it was a lot colder that this year, yet I did not experience the drop in MPG. Wondering if anyone else has had this problem?
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