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About 2014FordFusionSE

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    Fusion Hybrid Enthusiast

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  1. Best to call around and ask a few dealers. They'll give you different answers. If they say it's too late, ask them how much they would charge to fix it.
  2. It probably saves your settings to some kind of static memory. IIRC, mine were saved too.
  3. I replaced the 12v battery on my Fusion a couple of years ago. I didn't do any reset and it works fine. I wouldn't worry about it.
  4. I checked my Fusion as well. When you switch on the car without actually starting it, it displays all the dashboard lights. I don't see one for 12v or batteries which is probably why you're not seeing it either. Did you just replace the battery?
  5. Why do you want to do this? https://www.google.com/search?q=BMS+reset+ford+fusion
  6. One of my low beams finally went out after almost 11 years. I ordered H9s and modified them. They work great. Note that they will not blind on-coming drivers because the original headlights are projector lamps with a sharp cut-off. Pic of new headlight bulb output (left) and old headlight bulb (right): And here's the output for both new bulbs (H9):
  7. My first OEM headlight bulb just went out after almost 11 years.
  8. Did you get new tires? Did anything else change? Fuel efficiency drops when the weather gets colder but not by so much.
  9. How old is your current 12v battery? If it's more than 5 years old, I would say just replace it and you're good for another 5. Even high-end cars don't tell you that you need to replace your 12v battery.
  10. Doesn't sound right at all. Any CEL or codes?
  11. If it's the original battery, it's worth replacing it (assuming there were no other changes made to the car ie. nothing repaired or replaced recently)
  12. I changed the spark plugs on my 2014 Ford Fusion Hybrid last week. I bought OEMs from O'reillys. They were surprisingly made in Japan. It was a very simple process. Fortunately, everything looked great including the insulation around the plugs. Old plugs. Cylinder 3 plug is the dirtiest: Cylinder pic with boroscope camera: I wanted to clean the throttle body but it was super clean: I couldn't take a pic of the MAF because of the housing but everything looked brand new even after 93k miles. Happy to answer any questions.
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